Decisions that affect us all //// The Doctor's last wish.

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Chapter 3
Decisions that affect us all //// The Doctor's last wish.

A boy with sky blue hair was meditating in his quarters, Rimuru Tempest, the Demon King, ruler of the Jura Tempest Federation was meditating while the full moon illuminated the room, he was quietly standing near the window, admiring the cityscape. In his mind echoed the memories of "his little slimes", for there was a time in the past, where Shalsha and Falfa, the two little ones he adored and spoiled as his daughters, asked him for permission to visit their world for a moment. As he could not say no to the girls he promised them that he would as long as their mother approved.

It wasn't long before it was decided that they would spend a "family vacation" in their world, Azusa was initially a little worried, as she had never visited that world before, and the way Rimuru told her about his adventures, she was worried that something bad would happen. However, everything went smoothly. The girls gradually got to know the people close to Rimuru, everyone in town looked at the girls with tenderness, for the entire population could feel their lord's blessing on her. Except for one situation.

Azusa, the beautiful immortal witch. The one who accompanied the girls, alerted all the suitors that Rimuru had, since all of them looked at them with some suspicion. For before their eyes was the mother of the "daughters of her master". They were all somewhat resentful of such a situation, except for one person, or in this case, one conscience. Ciel, Rimuru's self-proclaimed wife, never objected to them having a relationship, for, although she never told her master, she knew perfectly well that Azusa and Rimuru came from the same world.

 For some strange reason he could see Azusa's life in her old world, he saw how she, as well as Rimuru were so focused on their work that they stopped relating to their friends, so intuitively he knew he could trust her. Plus, there was the fact that due to one of Azusa's abilities "sharing her happiness with others" went hand in hand with the ideals that Rimuru touted about peace and wanting to help others.

That night, just as the girls fell asleep, both Rimuru and Azusa took them to their room. After that, Rimuru asked Azusa to follow him, which she did and they arrived at the main room of the palace. The girl's nerves were quickly showing.

"Hey, Azusa... tell me, what do you think of me, you look very nervous."

"..." - the girl couldn't speak because of her nerves, for even though on the outside Rimuru looked like a sweet teenage girl, and because of her exterior it was easier for her to sustain a friendship, inside she knew exactly that her soul was that of a man.

"Do I make you nervous?" - he said.

"No... well... something... you see... it was very easy for me to make a friendship with girls, because I got used to it" - she explained, she could not tell him that although she lived many years with her family, she never had an approach with any man. It might sound a little strange for a pretty girl, because that would give the wrong idea about her.

"So... Are you...?" - Rimuru spoke without thinking."No! Of course not! I don't have those tastes!" - she replied somewhat nervously. - "it's just that... I never had the need to... well..." - she said somewhat nervously. He just closed his eyes and gave a small sigh. It was very hard for her to say, because she couldn't tell him that before she reincarnated as an immortal witch she had a life as a corporate employee, which deprived her of those moments, she put aside her desires to make friends or have a relationship with someone special, to focus one hundred percent on her work.

Even Ciel, inside Rimuru's consciousness, could see the girl's nerves. Rumuru, a bit worried, asked Ciel what he could do to make her calmer, but she answered with "don't depend on me for this kind of situation, you are a man, find your own way not to make Azusa uncomfortable". Due to several previous situations, Rimuru sensed that Ciel was upset, but what Ciel really wanted, was for him to make an effort on his own for this peculiar situation, as he could never see Rimuru in such a situation.

Suddenly, the knock on his door brought him out of his trance. It was Benimaru, one of the most devoted and loyal servants to Rimuru was making his entrance, the leader and highest military rank of the entire nation was presenting himself on his knees before his lord.

"Sir, I know that today is the day, the anniversary of the atrocious events that happened and..." - he was saying. But Rimuru stopped him in his tracks, and remembering the words he heard from what he believed to be Pecora's "spirit" he ordered.

"Benimaru... gather a group of the best men we have at our disposal, if we don't find the answer here... we will find it on another world" - and so, with a little hunch, hope and someone else's idea, a nation was declaring to invade other worlds to find the answer Rimuru couldn't get on his world.

"Are you sure about that? My lord" - the young man pointed out.

Driven by seeing that memory in his mind. Wanting to make it up to Azusa, to bring back the girls and his beloved secretary, Rimuru set out to invade as many worlds as necessary in order to achieve his goal. The most powerful demon king of all had just declared war on all existence itself until he found the definitive answer to his situation.

"Of course," he said. Driven by the desire to make amends to his fallen subordinates, his "beloved Daughters" and the once his "special girl", Rimuru declared war against existence itself.

"Sir, don't you think that's a bit too drastic? I mean invading worlds, they would see it as a threat, in this world you are the strongest, I know that... but we don't know what the other worlds are like... maybe..." - Benimaru pointed out somewhat fearfully, but then stopped talking when he saw that his master was still looking outside the window with a hopeful look on his face.

"Benimaru, ... I became a Demon King to save all those who lost their lives because of the Falmuth Kingdom, I became a Demon King to help them if I have to become a "conqueror of worlds" as long as I find a way to bring happiness to Azusa and the other people who lost someone in our nation, so be it."


Right in a beautiful and cozy house, located where a crystal clear waterfall feeds a precious spring. Azusa, the immortal witch was with the one in this world she called her mother, Yufufu, a minor water spirit. After meeting Rimuru after many years and arguing with him, Azusa went to find her adoptive mother so she could be with someone.

Although part of her hated Rimuru for what happened, the other part knew that what happened was not intended to harm her or her daughters, but the loss of her two little girls was something she could never get over. Remembering the moments they lived as a family was her only relief.

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