The Maid and The General // The Longed-for Reunion

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Chapter 9
The Maid and The General // The Longed-for Reunion.

Silence prevailed for a moment, the desired reunion of a couple was happening, inside Rimuru part of him could be at peace and calm, because the one who was once his beloved was back, however, inside him there was doubt, inside him he could feel it, nothing would be as it was before.
"Aaa Azusa... How? you are here... it's you" - said Rimuru happily but astonished.

"Hello Rimuru, can we talk?" - said the young girl showing a slight smile, a fake smile, a smile that emanated an emotional pain that was being repressed. He couldn't contain himself and ran to hug her and hold her in his arms.

"Of course I will, you know that I will always be here for you... always... nothing has changed" - he reacted somewhat excited, however, he knew the truth, everything had changed and nothing would be the same anymore. 

A few minutes passed and both had entered the room, leaving Cesca behind, who was just outside the door for any situation. That was when Benimaru arrived."Who are you, where are Mr. Rimuru and Lady Azusa?" - Questioned the General somewhat annoyed.

"my name is Cesca, I am Mrs. Azusa's companion, they are both talking in their rooms" - pointed the maid with a serious look.

"who are you, you are not a human, but neither are you a machine or a golem" - Benimaru questioned somewhat confused, for he could feel it, she emanated a little of Touya's divinity, but he could feel something else.

"Why is it an artificial person, a life created from unknown technology and magic of this world... it's fascinating" - an astonished voice was heard behind them, a young girl who looked a scant seventeen years old, slim with short pink hair.

"Ri... What are you doing here?" - Benimaru questioned somewhat seriously. 

"I could feel the arrival of Mrs. Azusa, as well as the arrival of this "peculiar girl", so I came as fast as possible" - pointed the girl without taking her eyes off Cesca.

"Ri, this is not the time for your eccentricities, we were on a matter of utmost importance, the battle against several worlds is..." - Benimaru was saying but Cesca intervened.

"The incursions are the reason why lady Azusa is here, it is imperative that the hostilities end" - Cesca pointed out in a serious manner.

"You dare to stand in the way of our lord and master?!!!! These actions we will take as a declaration of war!!!" - Benimaru stated as he stared at Cesca.

"I am only stating the wishes of our benefactors, the raids have taken the lives of thousands of living beings..." - Cesca explained as Ri continued to look at her in a manner of admiration.

"Our master's orders and wishes are absolute, nothing is above it" - pointed out Benimaru.

"Even if it costs the lives of thousands of living beings?" - questioned Cesca somewhat dejected.

"As I said, the orders are absolute" - affirmed Cesca, that's when she closed her eyes and sighed somewhat dejectedly.

"so much strength... so much power... and yet, instead of protecting people they use it to trample on the weak... what a waste" - she pointed out disappointed.

"we are just, anyone who wishes to could surrender and still be alive serving us... that is the order our master gave us."

"your life or your freedom?"

"it's not that simple, we don't take away their freedom, we are not tyrants, we give them the choice to serve us... it's all because of our master of ours who has a greater purpose... you wouldn't understand."

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