The Corrupted Deity

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Chapter 18

The Corrupted Deity

A thick mist was dissipating before the sight of a light blue-haired girl, she could not know the current situation, Ciel, the conscious entity, the unique ability that Rimuru possessed manifested in a corporeal state was in front of two imposing beings.

"So you are Ciel, the unique ability of the Star King's heir... wisdom in personification... welcome to the Divine Realm" - the supreme being of creation pointed at him with a slight bow.

"DDDDD Where am I?" - She said worriedly looking in all directions looking for Rimuru, but quickly noticed a familiar face - "Guy Crimson?"

"I see you're a bit confused... I'm sorry for bringing you without your consent little one, but it was something we had to do" - was heard behind Ciel, a warm and gentle aura could be felt at the moment, it was a white haired old woman with blue eyes dressed in a white kimono.

"It's good to see you again, Tokie" - the red-haired boy remarked.

"Sorry for the commotion but, we had to keep you from interfering in the conflict" - pointed out the Goddess of Time and Space, as she sat down next to Ciel.

"give me back to Rimuru!!!!" - Ciel said annoyed but was interrupted by Guy.

"NO!!!" - Guy pointed out as he continued to watch the conflict through the television in front of them.

"Give me back to Rimuru!!!!!" - insisted the blue-haired girl.

"He broke away from you, it was his decision" - Guy pointed out somewhat seriously as he watched Azusa slowly transform into a "Corrupted Deity".

"But..." - Ciel expressed as he watched with awe the transformation of his beloved's former partner.

"besides, this path he forged is the result of his disastrous decision making... arbitrary conflicts in several worlds, the fall of several of them, the suffering of countless lives, the "fall" of a God in Acenso... but above all... the broken heart of his beloved... all that is his responsibility, he will have to live with that." - Guy affirmed while not taking his eyes off the screen.

"but... such a battle is..." - Ciel pointed out worriedly.

"I know it's painful, little one... but this is something they have to solve by themselves" - affirmed the Goddess of Time and Space while putting her hands on Ciel's shoulders.

"By the way Tokie, how is your apprentice doing?" - Guy questioned somewhat curious without taking his eyes off the screen.

"the girl is doing well, her determination to make amends for her mistakes is outstanding" - he affirmed with a slight laugh.


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