The last breath before the war.

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Chapter 11

The last breath before the war.

The screams of anguish and pain could be heard throughout the building, the face of a beautiful suffering girl could be reflected in the test tubes and flasks that were in the laboratory, the sound of torture and suffering could echo in the surroundings. The unstoppable Demon King stood in front of a girl with a torn maid outfit and a deep wound on her chest as she was tied to a table.

"Even though Ri is the expert at this, I can't manage to find anything. You are an artificial being, however your body looks more like that of an android than a machine... your body, your whole body emanates the power of that guy... I don't know if you are his creation or his toy and I don't really care, I just know that he stole from me the person I cherish the most, the person I swore to save and protect... tell me what I want and I will stop doing this" - pointed the Demon King while putting his hand in the girl's chest. The girl may have been an artificial person. However, her body had human organs, not to mention that because she and her sisters were at their master's side all the time their divinity endowed them with incredible abilities, and one of them was the one that was playing against her.

"Your last chance servant girl... tell me where is Azusa? and what did your master do to her?... tell me what I want to know and I will stop doing this" - Rimuru pointed out while he took his hand from the wound on the girl's chest, little by little the wound caused by the Demon King started to close in a slow way. The ability she received from her master's divinity could heal her wounds, but it could not mitigate the pain and suffering she was receiving.

Ri, one of Rimuru's subordinates was averting her eyes as she saw for the first time such a heinous act committed by her master. For the first time in her life she witnessed the cruelty that her master could commit in order to achieve his goal. The moaning, the scarce breathing, as well as the dripping of some blood from Cesca's mouth left her speechless.

"I see your will is strong... I wonder... How much longer can it last?" - Rimuru exclaimed sticking her hand into her chest again shortly before she finished closing the wound. At the same time Cesca's scream echoed with fervor.

"¡¡llllll llllaaa... sssseeeññññora AAAAzzzuuusaaaaa.... Eeeellllaaaaaaaa!!!" - Cesca was weakly saying as her mouth filled with blood again.

"WHERE?!!!!!! WHERE IS SHE?!!!!" - Rimuru questioned in annoyance. At the same time Ciel was asking him to stop, as she could see that everything Cesca told her was True... Azusa went and tried to stop him by choice, however, Anger blinded Rimuru's judgement to the point of ignoring Ciel's requests.

"My lord, it's not good for you to keep doing this" - Ri pointed out somewhat worried. She was on her knees covering her face. It was not for less, she is a girl of science, she did what was in her hands to help Tempest, to achieve to be a prosperous and productive nation, she dedicated her time and mind to keep the peace and now she was seeing how the person she admired the most cruelly tortured a girl, she may have known that Cesca is an artificial being but the words she told them recently left her with the questioning that if she really is an artificial being. "yes, perhaps I am an artificial construct" "I have learned many things over the millennia" "as for appreciating life... I am more "human" than either of you two". All the words Cesca had said echoed in Ri's head as he could only hear her screams and moans of pain. That is until one of the most loyal Generals appeared.

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