A moment of hesitation // The last chance.

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Chapter 15

A moment of hesitation // The last chance.

In a place far from the limits of mortals, in the precincts of celestial beings living together in concord, a shadow slipped into the precincts of the supreme Being of Creation, a striking aura made its presence felt as a faint crimson mist hovered in front of the Supreme Deity.

"Time has passed, Shin" - spoke a being from the crimson mist to the God of Creation.

"Eons, I must say" - replied the Supreme being seriously as he sipped some of his Tea.

"I see that your child has not awakened his latent being do you think he has a chance?" - answered the red-haired fellow who emerged from the mist, then took a seat next to the old man.

"No, not yet... this battle is his final tes

t" - affirmed God while he poured a cup of tea to his companion as they both watched the battle of the two titans on the TV in front of them.

"It won't be easy for him to face Rimuru, the boy will have a hard time" - affirmed the red-haired man.

"and Star King's heir hasn't fully awakened either" - God pointed out.

"even so, Rimuru's abilities are on par with a "God Catastrophe", your grandson has it tough" - stated the red-haired man seriously.

"That may be true... but... strength is not everything, dear Guy."


The fervor of battle was steadily increasing, and among the ranks of Tempest their general was engaged in a fight against an elven knight who was strangely keeping pace with him; The clash of their blades was evident as the golden flashes of small sparks were seen all around, as little by little these beings manifested their Rimuru-like abilities.

"You... How is it possible that you could have the same abilities that our lord bestowed upon me?" - Bemimaru questioned incredulously.

"That I don't know... but if I possess an ability to be able to stop them I will use it, it is the duty of a knight to protect his people" - the elven girl pointed out somewhat agitated, while stopping an attack of Benimaru's sword. Later, realizing that her sword was about to be destroyed, she covered her leg with a black flame and kicked one of Benimaru's sides, which made him retreat momentarily.

"Those skills don't belong to you" - Benimaru pointed out, but immediately barely parried a direct flare attack. To the rest they may have thought Benimaru was leaving her, however, inside him was the doubt that Mile had questioned him, "What answer is worth more than the lives of thousands of people?" "...they just blindly follow orders without a moment's thought for her, they don't question whether it's right or wrong...they just do it to follow the orders of such a dastardly master who ordered the invasion of several worlds." For a second Benimaru had disconnected himself from the battle, but that backfired on him, as Zelena had obtained a crystal Odachi sword provided by Mile, and lashed out at him.

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