Sister's defeat, Trinity's reunion.

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Chapter 4Sister's defeat, Trinity's reunion.

The sound produced by the water falling down the waterfall could be heard all around, like a pre-battle chant, the somewhat accelerated breathing of a beautiful worried girl echoed together. Azusa, the Immortal Witch was mentally preparing herself to be able to put a stop to the one who was once her companion, her friend and beloved.

"are you sure you'll be alright sweetie? You worry me, I think it would be better if I accompanied you to..." - voiced the worried mother, but was stopped by her daughter.

"It's something I must do alone, mom, I've left Rimuru alone for a long time... I must talk to him and tell him what he needs to know, that this was not his fault"- mentioned Azusa a little nervous. Maybe her heart wanted to close that painful circle. But now she was no longer doing it for him or for her, she was doing it for the others, hearing that several worlds fell at Rimuru's feet, she couldn't stop feeling guilty, for her way of acting with him, she pushed him to the edge of the abyss, and now several worlds have suffered the consequences.

"Let me accompany you" - was heard behind her, it was the Goddess Nintan, one of the most important deities of her world. Hearing and feeling what happened, she did not hesitate for a second to accompany her dear friend.

"I'm sorry, but no, this is something between him and me" - Azusa affirmed.

"you are about to enter a war my child, are you sure you will be okay alone?" - pointed out the spirit.

"Yes mom, it's my duty, my responsibility" - she said, the mother had many reasons to worry, however, she knew that if there was any chance to stop Rimuru, her daughter could do it. After all, the two of them had a special bond, a past together, something which united them.

And so it was decided, Azusa, the beautiful immortal witch said goodbye to her friends and her mother, using her power to conjure a portal to another world.


The resounding battle cry could be heard in the distance, sparks from the clashing steel of the swords, hundreds of arrows covering the air and fierce explosive booms echoed across the battlefield. Rimuru Tempest, the conquering demon king was entering a new world that was being decimated in battle, he had already taken control of 70 percent of this world, there were only a few countries left to resist, however for him it was only a matter of minutes, as his orc troops and goblin riders were controlling the situation.

"this world is somewhat weak, I doubt that here I will find my answer" - was heard in a disappointed way from the demon king.

"Are we done with this world, my lord" - questioned with a sadistic look the girl, it was Ultima, one of the most loyal subjects to Rimuru, a Noble Demon who was under Tempest's orders.

"no... we are already a few minutes away from our retinue defeating these soldiers, let's leave the job to them." - pointed out the Demon King.

"you sound very confident, young man" - was heard behind both of them, a beautiful girl with short silver purple hair, golden eyes and a too white skin was behind both of them, crossed her arms and with a crystal sword hanging in its scabbard at her waist . It was Moroha, the goddess of the Sword, one of Touya's self-appointed sisters.

For a moment Rimuru himself was surprised, for neither he nor Ciel could perceive her presence until she spoke. For the first time in a long time Rimuru was impressed with someone's ability.

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