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{Leonora's pov}

It's just a boring day just like all the others and i am on my way to thomas his house cause he invited me over cause he wanted me to meet his friends wich i saw once..  cause we went out for dinner one time soo yeah

*at thomas his house*

'Heyy ! Noraaa'

That's my nickname btw ahaha loll

'Heyy tonyyy..'

*she says while she gives him a big hug*

'Come in girll..'

*and she comes in*

'Oh hii noraaa'

'Hi vic..'

'How are you noraa??'

'I am finee you?'

'Goodd.. also damiano is at his girlfriend soo it's just me thomas and ethan..'

Oh god.. ethan is here oh godd.. the last time i saw him we alsmost kissed because we were drunk.. and in the moring it was soo akwardd...

'well.. i am going to get some snacks for tonight.. wanna come with??'

'No.. uhm i'll just chill.. in thomas his room if that's okay tony montana..'

'Ahaha yea it's okay noraa .. go.. i am going to jam on my gutair..'


*and she goes upstairs and she bumps into ethan*

'oh hi.. leonora..'

'h-hi.. ethan..'

*she stutters..*

'everything okay??'


Ughh why is he so handsome.. i've been in love with him since we almost kissed... and i've told it to thomas cause we have no secrets between us..  he wasn't happy about cause he is very proctective with me.. but then he said that if were in love then it was okay with him...

'Good.. uhm noraa??'


'Uhh can we uhm.. i don't know if you want to.. but we can uhm chill in my room if you want..'


'Sorry i over heard you down stairs..'

'I-it's okay.. uhh yeah sure..'

'Shall we watch a movie??'


{Ethan's pov}


My god.. she is so cute when she stutters.. i've been in love with leonora since we almost kissed.. when we were drunk..

'okay.. don't be shy..leonora..'

Omgsh she is so cutee.. i am so in love with her but she probably isn't with me.. i mean i haven't told her yet..


*in ethan's room*

'What do you wanna watch??'

'Uhh.. maybe uhm a scary movie??'

'Okay.. do you like scary movies??'

'Yeah.. i also like romantic movies.. a bit of both..'

'Ohh.. maybe we can watch a romantic one??'


'Okay..go sit on the bed i'll be right back.. i am going to change into something comfy..'


*after he changed*

{Leonora's pov}



*and he sits on the bed next to her*

'Soo.. shall we pick a movie???'

'Yea sure.. uhm ethan...?'

'Yes beau-leonora..'

'Uhhm i wanted to tell you sooner but..uhm.. ethan i l-like y-..'


Crapp thomas...

'Oh hey tony..'

'What are you guys doing???'

'Uhh we wanted to watch a movie bro..'

'Ohhh.. i'll leave you guys alone..'

*and he leaves*

'So nora what do you wanted to tell me??'

'Oh nothing... never mind..'

Howw will i ever tell him....ughh

'Wel then.. i have to tell you something nora..'

'And that is..'

'Leonora i've been in love with you since we almost kissed that night when we were drunk.. and i can't  get you out of my mind ever since... leonora..'

Oh my.. god.. did he just told me he likes me?!...omgg!!!

'Are you going to say something...???'



*silence again*


*silence again*

'Ethan i-'


Ehehehe first chapter! Of this neww book!!😘😘 hope you all like itt! I'll post the second part when the charlot story is donee soo after that i'll update more on this one see youu next timee😘😘😘

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