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'Who's together with who??'

{leonora's pov} *at the må house* *11am*

'Who's together with who??'

'No one.. hi nora.. did you uh sleep well??'

'Yeah i did.. but i was going to tell you that ethan and i are going home so i wanted to say goodbye..'

'Noo don't go yet.. stay'

'Vic i am tired.. and i feel a little wierd...'

'What do you mean by weird??'

'Nothing.. it's just i have a weird feelling in my stomach..'


'Viic i am not pregnant.. it's just my period.. it's nothing.. to worry about'

'Well okay..'

'Well the-'

'Nora..??? Can we talk??'

'Yeah sure damiano..'

'In private??'

'Uh yeah sure???'

*in damiano's room*

{leonora's pov}

'Soo???what do you wanna talk about??'

'Uhh well you heard me saying that i am not together with someone??'

'Yeah i heard that but what about it???'

'Well uhh.. i've been seeing someone and well she's very sweet and i uh love her..'

'Aww damiano that's great! Tell me who's the lucky girl??'

'Uhh it'-..'

'Baby?? Are you ready to go??'

'Yeah amore..'

'Okay shall we go then??'


*and they leave* *couple of minutes later* *at ethan's house*

{leonora's pov}

'Amore i am just gonna take a nap okay??.. i am very tired..'

'Aww shall i come with you amore?..'

'Yeah if you want..'

'Ofcourse i want...'

*and they go upstairs* *after some time they fall asleep on ethan's bed..and they're hugging eacohter.. And after some time lenora wakes up because she's having period cramps*



'Ethan... i am having very bad cramps..'



*and she starts to cry really hard*

'Hey.. amore.. what's wrong??'

*and he slowly wakes up*

'I am having very bad period cramps.. and it hurts.. really.. bad.. and i wish for it to be over...right now..'

'Aww amore...'

*and he pulls her more closer*

'Shhh baby.. aww i wish i could take you pain away honey.. '


'Yes amore?'

'Can you make me some tea??'

'Sure love..'

*and he lets her go and goes down stairs and after some mintues he comes back*

'There you go.. your tea princess..'

'Aww..thank you.. my love'

*and she takes the cup*

'Amore i was thinking.. Maybe i can cancell practice tomorrow and stay here with you??

'Noo don't you need to practice..'

'But you're having very bad cramps and you don't feel good amore'

'Ethan.. music is also important..'

'I know but you're more important than music rigjt now..'



~time skip~ ~8pm~ *at thomas his house* *living room*

{thomas pov}

I am alone tonight cause eva wanted to go to nora's house to spend some time with her sister.. again and i don't know the last time she went there she came home very late.. and she smelled like ciagrette smoke.. and also perfume.. wich was also wierd cause ethan doesn't use that much of perfume.. but... oh god...

'Babee i am homee..'

Greatt.. she's home..

'Hi love.. you're home early..'

'Yeah well.. nora was tired so..'

'Ohh okay.. well uhmm shall we watch a movie??..'

'Uhh yeah sure..'

Wait?? She smells like smoke and perfume again.. that's weird ... wait i know that smell of perfume... i know it.. from someone.. but i can'r remember from who...


'Yes my love..'

'Why do you smell like perfume and smoke?? And is that a hickey?!'

'Noo.. what??noo thommy.. what uh are you talking about???'

'Eva come on now be honest..what are you hiding from me???'

'Nothing! Nora aksed me the same thing yesterday.. there is nothing..and i am not cheating on you.. i would never ever do that..'

'Eva.. don't lie to me'

'I am not lying!!..'

'Well then.. are you??'


'Are you cheating on me???'

'I've been seeing someone else yes..'


Oehhh what will he say...

Enjoy!! And i'll see youu next time😘😘😘

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