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*the next day* *10am*

{Leonora's pov}

'Mhh.. goodmoring angel..'

'Hi.. baby..'

I say while i look into ethan's beautiful brown eyes

'did you sleep well amore..'

'i slept great baby...'

'Good.. and did i hurt you last night?..'

'No you didn't.. amore.. last night was perfect'

'Aw baby..'

*he says while he smiles and he pulls her closer*

'I love you so much.. nora'

'I love you to.. my love.. can i ask you something??'

'Ofcourse you can nora'

'D-do you.. i m-mean did i uhm.. i mean did you l-..'

'What amore??'

'I mean... uhm...  did you like it? What i did i mean before we i mean whe-..'

'i did.. like it i mean..uhm  no i loved it angel..'

'Don't lie..'

'Nora i am not lying..'


'I am serious babe..  i loved it...'

'Okay you're making me blush right now..'

'Awww.. shall we take shower?'

'what?? Y-you mean together?'

'Yes.. i mean only if you want you..babe..'


'You sure honey??cause i-..'

'Ethan i trust you..'


~time skip~ ~5pm~ *at the må house*

{vic's pov}

'Soo you and ethan..'


'How was it???'


'What??? We're friends now right i mean you can tell me..'

'Vic that's private..'

'Okay.. but was he sweet to you???'

'He was so sweet.. vic'

'Awww so cutee i am so happy for you.. oh hey damiano..'

*she says while damiano comes into the livingroom*

'Hi..vic oh hey nora..'


'So you and ethan??are you two together??'

'Not that it's any of your bussiness but yeah we're together'

'Congrats nora.. i am happy for you'

'Thanks damiano'

'Please nora just call me dam okay?'


~later that day~ ~6pm~ ~at thomas his house~

{Thomas pov}

I am still so upset  that eva just left me for someone else and that she moved away.. i mean i miss her.. for days now i've been crying in my room looking at pictures of us and how beautiful that time was..

Huh?? Who could that be??



'What..what are you doing here i tought you moved away??'

'I didn't i just made mistake i tought you didn't love me anymore..'

'Eva i never stopped loving you but..why did you leave me for another guy??'

'I didn't i lied.. i just tought that after you got into a fight with leonora you were mad at me..'

'No i wasn't you silly.. come in it's freezing outside'

'Yeah it is..'

*and she comes in and takes off her coat*

'But were did you go???'

'I went to a hotel.. but i just missed you..and i took a cab and..well now i am here'


'Yes thom..'

'Nora and i are talking again and she isn't mad at me anymore..'

'That's good but.. what about uhm..'

'You mean us??'

'Yeah.. do you still wanna be with me?'

'Ofcourse i still wanna be with you crazy girl..'


*and she pulls him closer*

'I've missed you..thom..'

'I've missed you to..my love'

*and they look eacother in the eyeys for a while and the are one breath away from kissing eacohter*



*and they kiss eacohter*


Aww happy endingss 🤗🤗 allrightt okay i hope you like it , enjoy! And see you next timee😘😘😘

My only angel❤️ {ethan Toricho}  Where stories live. Discover now