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'Listen i don't wanna fight anymore!!!'

'Well that's something we can argee on then!'



~24hours before~

{Leonora's pov} ~10am~

'Hm.. ethan noo'

'But i wanna kiss youu.. i am addicted to you i am sorry..'

'Ohh you're so not sorry..'

*and he conuties kissing her on her neck*

'Hmm.. ethan.. i said nooo hmm..'

'But you're moaning..babe'

'Yeah that's because you're kissing ny neck..'



'Okay.. okay.. if you want me to-..'

*and she opens her eyes and pulls him closer and she kisses him passiontlly*

'Oehh that's a very goodmorning..'

*you know what happens now*

{Thomas pov} **at his house**

'Oh hey..goodmorning sleepy head'

'Goodmorning.. amore did you sleep well my love'

'Yeah i slept great thommy..'

'how long have you been up my love?'

'a while i was waiting for you so we could take a shower together but then i started throwing up.. and now i feel sick..'

'Wait ? What? Amore why didn't you wake me..'

'Cause you needed your rest honey..'

'So?? I am your boyfriend i need to know when my amore is feelling sick'

'Yeah well...'

'What???what do you mean? Is there something i need to know??'

'No.. well.. i mean yes.. uhm i mean no..'

'Eva come on.. tell me'

'Y-you won't like it..'

~and she gets tears in her eyes~

'Amore your scareing me.. please tell me what's wrong..'

'th-thomas.. i am pre-...'

*and then before she could tell him leonora calls him*


'Woahh.. tony montana you are happy to talk to me.. today.. jesuss..'

'Sorry.. sorry.. eva was about to tell me something but go on..'

'Well maybe you wanna come over today?? Just like we used to?? Just the two of us a movie maybe dinner??'

'Yeah sure nora'

'Goodd i'll see you at 8 then??'

'Yeah ofcourse nora..'

'Okayy see you tonight! Byee!'

'Byee nora..'

*and he hangs up*

'So.. what do you wanna tell me babe..'

*he says while he puts his phone on the bedside table*

'Thomas i am.. pregnant..'


My only angel❤️ {ethan Toricho}  Where stories live. Discover now