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*one day later* *at the måneskin house*

{damiano's pov}

Thomas and vic are and ethan is still sleeping and i am just sitting outside smoking a cigarrete when leonora comes outside

'Oh hey damiano..'

Ughh i still don't like her that much i mean me and vic and her went out yesterday but she isn't cool at all in my opinion..

'oh hi.. is ethan still sleeping??'

'Yeah he was pretty tired yesterday..'




'You still don't like me do ya??'

How did she??? I mean ughhh

*he says nothing*

'Damiano you don't even know me.. like i mean you know my name but not my story damiano'

'I know enough leonora..'

'Oh yeah???'

'Yeah i mean your not as cool as us..'

'And why is that????'

'Cause you never had boyfriend?'

'What???how did you????'

'Ethan told me he is your first boyfriend..'

'He did what?!!'

'Don't worry your secret is safe with me honey.. i mean it's good to you know wait..'

'yeah your kidding me right???'

'No i mean it.. i mean i did it to but then i met gorigia and well now we ar-..'

'Oh gross spare me the detials..'

'Haha i wasn't planning on telling you any time soon soo'

'Goodmoring my onlyangel ..'

{Leonora's pov}

'Goodmoring my only angel..'

'Goodmoring babe.. wait did you just call me angel??'

'Yeah you're my only angel baby girl..'

'Aww ethann...'

*and she blushes really hard*

'Okayy.. i am going back inside byee..'

*and damiano goes back inside*

'Well my only angel what do you wanna do today???'

'Uhmm.. i don't know edgar.. maybee.. we can stay here all day?and watch gillmore girls??'


'Gillmore girls it's on netflix it's so fun to watch..'

'But i had another idea babe..'

*and he kisses her passiontly*


'Shh.. baby girl..'

*and his hands are going down to her hips*

'Mhh.. ethan.. that feels good..'

'You mean this?'

*and he goes lower*

'Hmm.. yes..'


*and he pulls back*

'Do you want me to contiue or you wanna go back inside and go to my room.. and maybe contiue there..'

'Yeah... '


'I wanan go to your room.. i trust you..'

'Okay..but promise one thing angel..  if you don't feel comfortable  tell me okay?.. cause i don't wanna push you.. or do things that you don't want or like okay?'

'Yeah i'll do that..'


*and he takes her hand and they go back inside*

~in his room~

{Ethan's pov}

'Amore.. don't be nervous..'

'But ethan.. i am.. i mean what if i do something wrong??'

'Babe do you trust me??'

'Yeah i do..'

'Then don't be scared just... follow my lead okay??..'


*and he comes closer to her*

'Now.. just relax..'

*and he leans into kiss her but she moves away*

'Babe what's wrong??'

'Ethan.. i am nervous..'

'Angel.. don't be.. hey come here.. you can be free with me okay?? Nothing is wrong or right.. as long as you like it.. and you feel comfortable.. with it.. there is nothing to worry about..'

*and he takes her hand and leads her to the bed*

'Ethan.. what are you doing??'

'Angel relax.. i think you will like this..'

*and he lays on the bed.. and pulls her closer*

'what ar-.'

'Shh.. you're gonna love this..angel..'

*and he starts kissing her while his hand is going betwen her tighs..*

~you know what he is going to do~


Okay soo what should next part be youuur choice;


2. No smut🤗


Let me knoww in the comment section 😘😘

See youu nex timee😘😘

My only angel❤️ {ethan Toricho}  Where stories live. Discover now