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{leonora's pov} *two weeks later* *at the må house*

It's two weeks later and thomas broke up with eva.. cause she cheated in him.. with his best friend.. and thomas and damiano didn't talk for a while but now they are again.. so that problem is solved now.. the only that's not solved is that thomas is still so sad over eva..

'Vic i am worried about thomas..'

'Yeah me to.. he is always in his room.. and he only comes out when we're having practice..'

'Oh.. shit.. that's not good..'

'No it isn't.. '

'Well maybe i can talk to him??'

'He doesn't want to talk to anyone..'


'But you can tr-.. thom! Hey..'

'Hi.. uhm i wanted to get some water but...'

'No no .. stay.. come sit thom.. look who's here..'

'Oh hi nora..'

'Hey thom.. are you okay??'

'i am fine.. nora.. i just miss her alot...'

*and he starts to cry really hard*

'Oh thomas...'

*and she gets up from the couch to hug him*

'It's okay.. thommy... it's okay...'

'No nora it's not okay... she.. i mean she... cheated on me... and lied about it..'

'I know what eva did thomas..'

{flashback} *damiano's pov*

'Hii.. lovee..'

'Hi are they gone??'

'Yes they are.. we're all alone..'

*and he kisses her*

'I've missed you..dami..'

'I've missed you to... you where with thomas all the time..'

'Ugh i know.. last night we had like you know.. and it was so.. i don't know boring...ahaha'

'Haha so like he's boring??'

'Haha i don't wanna say bor-..oh shit..'



*and she points at the bedroom door that's wide open*


{end of the flashback}

'She broke my heart.. nora.. no.. she crushed it..'

'Aw thommy.. maybe i can cheer you up??'


'Well we we're planning on going out tonight.. maybe you wanna come with us??'

'With who??'

'Well me,vic,ethan,damiano..leo..'

'Uhhh.. i don't know... i thi-'

'Ohh come on tony..'

'Well.. okay.. i'll go with you..'


~time skip~ ~later that night~ *1am*

{Ethan's pov}

'oH ComE oN.. BAby..dAnce wIth mE..'

'Babe you're drunk...'

'nOo.. i am tIpsy..'

'No you're drunk baby.. come on.. let's get you home before your gonna trhow up.. leo.. some help please..'


'Bro can you grab her other arm??..'

'Broo you're stronger than me you can lift her if you want to..'

'She's drunk leo..'

'I know that..?'

'Oh mamma mia.. please just grab her other arm..'


*at the må house*

{Ethan's pov}

'Lovee please go lay down..'

'BUt i wAnt HuGs..'

'Baby go to sleep.. you're drunk..'

'NOoo i am nOt..'

'Yes you are now go to sleep my love... please i promise you'll feel a little better in the morning..'


'Yes.. now baby.. g-..'

*and she already falls asleep like a baby*

~the next morning~

{Leonora's Pov}

'goodmorning.. amore..'

'Ughh not so loudd... ethann..'

'sorry.. but i have to go love..'

'Nooo.. don't goo.'

'I have to.. we have to work on the new songs baby..'

'I know.. that ughh.. i feel sick..'

'Aww.. but love i really have to go..'

'Noo... don't.. stayy..'

'Love.. when i get home i'll give you lots of cuddels but now i really have to go.. i am already a bit late..'

'Okay.. i love you baby..'

'I love you to amore..'

*and she leaves*


Sorryy it's shortt but the next one will be longer :) soo yeah enjoy! And i'll see youu 😘😘😘 next time :)

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