
45 3 5

{Ethan's pov} *the next day* *11am*

'Goodmorning babe..'


'Did you sleep well baby girl..??'

'Yeah and you??'

'I slept great cause i was sleeping next to you..'

'Aww ethann..'

*and he kisses her passiontly*

'etha-ethan what are you doing??'

'Kissing you..'


*she says while she pulls back*

'did i do something wrong babe??'



'i just wanted to g-..ohh..'

*and he starts kissing her again while she sits on his lap*

'Hmm.. babe..'

*and the kiss gets more passiontly*  *and he starts taking off her shirt*

'Hm.. eth-ethan..'

'Babe.. '

*and she moves her hips a little against his private part*

'Oe-oeh.. babe..'

'You like?..'

*she smirks between the kiss*


*and she contiues.. doing it*

'Hmm..b-baby... please i am getting h-..'

'I can feel that..'

'B-but we can't do anything...'

'I know...'



~tike skip~ *8pm*

{Thomas pov}


'Yes thommy..'

'What shall we do tonight??..'

'Uhmm.. maybe we could watch a movie?and just cuddle on the couch?..'

'Good idea my love.. is uhm mira sleeping??'

'Yes she is..'


*and later they are watching the movie and thomas starts teasing her*

'Hm.. thommy.. don't... i wanna wat-..hmm..'

'What do you want??'

*and his hand goes into her pants* *and he puts one f!gnger inside her **ssy*

'Hmm.. thom-thommy...'

'You like ?'


*and he smirks and he puts another finger insider her*

'Hmm... th-thom..thommy...'

*and he smirks at her* *you know what happens now*

~later that evening~ ~9pm~

'I love you so much thommy..'

'I love you to babe... so much..'

*he says while she lays he head on his chest *


'Yes amore..'

'Did you talk to leonora yet??'

'No.. i didn't ...'

'Well maybe you should thom you guys are friends..'

'I know eva but i don't know if i still want to be friends with her..'

'Thommy.. how can you say that?? You've known her since your were what? Little??'

'Eva.. can we talk about something else please??'

'Thom don't aviod this..  come on'

'Eva.. i said something..'

'thommy come on now.. you're acting like a baby..'

'No i am not.. i am just..ughh..'

*and he wants to stand up from the couch..*


'What?? I wanna smoke..'


*and she gets up so he can stand up from the couch* *and he goes outside* *and she follows him*

'Thommy.. why are you avoiding this??'


*and he lights his cigarrete* *and blows out the smoke*

'You and leonora are super close friend why would you say that???'

'Say what???'

'That you don't wanne be friends with her anymore..'

'Eva.. i lied okay.. we did talk.. but it's just that she is younger than me..and i am older...'

'So you guys did talk??? Why didn't you say so??'

'I don't know..'

'I can't belive you.. i swear..'

*and she goes back inside*


'Shut up!!'

*and she slams the door*

{eva's pov}

Ughh i can't belive thomas lied about this to me.. i mean i tought we had no secrets .. between us or that he wouldn't lie to me but.. i guess i was wrong.. ughhh let's call dami.. maybe he wants to talk..

'Hey eva..'

'Hey damiano.. sorry for calling but..'

'No worried what's wrong??'

'Thomas lied to me about that he talked to leonora and i didn't expect this from him..'

'I get that eva but maybe he didn't wanted to tell you cause he has a private life..'

'Yeah but still i am his girlfriend..'

'I know eva  but i've known him for a very long time and sometimes he doesn't wnat to tell things..that's just thomas..'

'I guess so.. but still..'

'I know lying is wrong but you guys shouldn't fight about this..'

' i know.. i know.. damiano.. anyways thanks for listening..'

'Any time eva.. byee'

'Byee dam'

*and she hangs up*


Ohhh god... drama is comming... // okayy well uhmm enjoy this chapter! And i'll see youu next timee😘😘😘

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