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*couple of days later* *8:30 in the moring*

{Ethan's pov}

'Goodmoring my love..'

'Hmm.. just one more mintue...'

'Babe.. i have to be at the airport in just a few minutes.. i am leaving for la remember..'


*and she opens her eyes and she gets out of the bed*

'Baby you can stay in bed... '


'Cause you can't come with me..'

'What??? Why??? I tought you said that i could'

'Well no.. our manager was very clear..'

'Ethan you're lying to me..'

*and she gets tears in her eyes*

'Got ya'


'Ahahaha ofcourse you can come with me you silly.. i was just messing with you ahaha'

'Not funny!!!'

'hahaha it is for me now go get ready..'

'You don't tell me what to do mister toricho'

'You sure about that love??'

'Ohh noww you're in trouble'


~a little while later~ ~at the airport~ ~9:00 am~

{Thomas pov}

'Noraa i wanna sit next to you on the plane'

'noo.. you can't cause ethan is sitting next to me'

'ohh come onn.. the fact that you could come and eva couldn't is soo not fair..'


'Cause it is..'

'Well i am not the one who's complaining'

'What's that's supposed to mean???'

'Nothing.. it's just that first she disapears and then she comes back i think it's weird..'

'yeah.. it was weird but after all she came back to me..'

'She did.. but maybe you should call her?? I mean we still have time before we go on the plane'

'Yeah .. i'll call her..'

*and he tries to call her*

'Voice maill...'

'Ohh maybe she is still sleeping..'

'Yeah maybe whatever...'

*the next day* *12pm*

{Ethans pov}

Yesterday we arrived in la and now i just woke up because of the jet lag cause we're all very tired.. from the flight and everything

'Hi..sleepy head..'

'Hey Amore..'

*and he kisses her on her cheek*

'Did you sleep well my love?'

'yeah i did.. i was so tired but what time is it??'

'It's 12 pm'


'Relax baby girl we still have lots of time.. the others are already down stairs but i tought we could stay here a little longer..'


'Cause i wanna have some alone time with you.. baby  you're important to you know..'

'I know amore but you should also focus on the ba-..'

*and he kisses her again*

'I know amore.. but that's not what i am trying to say..'

*and he kisses her passiontly and pulls her closer*

'eth-hmm.. amore.. we should...'


**he says between kissing**

'We should... go do-..hmm.. this feels so good..'

*and he kisses her again while his hand is between her tighs*

'Mm.. you'rec already getting wet..  good girl..'


'Baby girl..'

*and he takes his hand into her painties*

'Eth-..hmm.. th-.. you're hand is cold..'

'You like?..'

'I- do..'

*and he just smirks at her while he stops kissing her hand he puts panties down and he puts one f!nger inside her *ssy*

'Hmm.. eth-ethan...'

'Ohh i love it when you say that..

'Y-you do huh...'

*and he just smirks at her again and he starts f**ri** her*

(A/N; okay so i know i am not good at eniglish and i know this smut  part is a bit weird but i don't wanna make it to dirty soo that's why) *😅🙈*

'Mhh..  y-you're so good at this..'

'i know..'

*after a little while he stops* *dirty talk* *smut*

'Why did you stop?'

'Cause now it's you're turn.. baby..'

'But i did-i mean i forgot h-how.. i mean i am...'

'Babe remember last time? you were amazing... i mean i really enjoyed it.. love..'

'but but... i i .. i am i mean.. what if..'

'Babe if you don't want to do anything.. it's okay i mean we ca-..'

'No i wanna do it.. but.. i don't wanna do anything wrong..'

'Babe.. listen to me.. you can't do anyhting wrong.. cause remember what i said before??'

'I know..you really enjoyed it..'

'i did.. babe..'

*and he pulss her closer and she sits on his lap,* moves her hips a little*

'Mhh.. baby.. please do that again..'

*you know what happens next*


Okay.. uhmm 👀👀 well becarefull and unm be safe😁😉 ehehe ohh well uhm enjoy this chapter! And see youu next timee😘😘😘

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