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*a couple of days later* *12pm*

{Ethan's pov}

It's a couple of days later and leonora and me are happier than ever.. cause our little one has been born last week ..and i am over the moonn.. cause it's a boy!.. and we're soo happy cause i already tought it was a boy but nora didn't belive it..


'Yes amoree..'

'i was thinking maybee we could go the må house and tell everyone we're having a boy??'

'Yeah what did you had in mind??'

'What?? Oh you wanna surprise them??'

'No i mean uhm like a how do you call that??'

'Ohhh a party where you reveal the gender.. no that's to much..'

'Ohh okay.. well then.. we could just go..and tell them'


~mean while at thomas his house~

{Thomas pov}

'babeee.. mira is cried again she is asleep now but...'

'i know.. she has been crying.. for days now.. i think she'a sick or something... maybe we should go to the doctor tomorrow thom..'

'Yeah.. maybe but i wanted to ask you something..'


'Do you wanna go to the må house with me this afternoon?? Cause ethan and nora wanted to tell us all something..'


'Do you wanna go??'

'Yes ofcourse i wanna go.. thom.. why wouldn't i??'

'Uhh.. no idea'

'Thom.. is this because i called damiano for advice??cause me and him are just friends okay? I like you and only you thommy..'

**and she kisses him passiontly** ~and pulls him closer to her body~ ~while they fall on the couch~

'Babe.. what are you doing??'

'Kissing you?'

'But we nee-..ohh b-babe...'

*and she kisses him again* *while she goes lower and lower untill she stops at his d!ck*

'Just.. hm.. take it off...hmm..'

'Ohh i'll.. but first.. maybe we should go upstairs?..'

'Babe don't you wanna.. do it on the couch??..'

'Are you serious???'

'Dead serious..babe..'

*and they look eacohter in the eyes for some seconds.. and then he starts kissing her again*

'hmm.. b-babe.. please take it off..'

'No.. not yet..'

*and she smirks and moves her hips agains his d!ck*

'Hmm... s-sweetie pleasee..'

'No.. i wanna hear you.. beggin' for more thommy..'

*and she moves her hips again*

'hmm.. pleasee.. amoree..'

'good boy'

*and she stops and takes his pants off*

~you all know what will happen next~

{ethan's pov} *time skip* *8pm*

me and leonora just came home from a very nice evening.. and the whole night even during the dinner she has been teasing me..and i don't understand it cause we can't have sex.. but sometimes she is a very crazy woman and i love her for that..


'Si  amoree...'

*and he takes her into his arms*

'i loved the dinner tonight...'

*and she kisses him*

'Hm.. is this a way of you saying thank you??'

'Si amore..'

'i like that.. but you're pregnant we can't have sex..'

'i know that.. amore.. but i can tease you right?'

*she says with a very big smirk on her face*

'Babee you're so crazy sometimes'

'Ehehe.. i can be crazy sometimes yes'

'Okay now it's enough..come here you'

*and he pulls her closer to his body and he starts kissing her roughly.. but with passion*

'hmm.. e-ethan.. we can't have..'

'I know.. but i want you so bad right now amore'

'I want you to..'

*and they keep kissing eacohter and he's taking her clothes off while leading her upstairs*


'Shut up..'

*and she takes his clothed off.. While they're still kissing*

'Ethan.. st-we can't do this..'

'Babe... shut up..'

'N-no.. ethan.. we can't..'

*and she pulls back while picking up her clothes and putting them on again*

'What's wrong??'

'Nothing.. it's just said something and you don't listen..'

'Amore i am sorry... i just got a bit caught up.. in the moment..'

'Caught up???'

'Yes.. and i am sorry... i know that you're pregnant.. i am sorry...'

'It's okay.. let's just go upstairs and take a bath together okay??'

*he says nothing and he picks up his clothes*


*he still doesn't say anything*


*he still says nothing*


'Yeah.. yeah.. sure.. amore'

*and they go upstairs*


A new chapter! I hope youu like it<333 and i'll see you next timeee😘😘😘

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