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*5days later*

{Ethan's pov}

'Honey are you okay??'

'Ethan.. leave me alonee'

'Honey you need to eat something..'

'No i am not hungry..'

My poor baby i hate it when she's on her period.. i am always getting worried about her and she doesn't want to eat at all.. all she does is sleep.. and laying bed.. and it makes me so worried...

'Amore.. please you have to i am worried about you..'

'I am okay.. amore.. i just have alot period cramps right now..'

'I know that amore but you need eat..'

'As i said  i am not hungry...'


'Just..- i tought you had to go to the studio???'

'Yeah but.. i don't wanna leave you alone amore..'

'Ethan i'll be just fine..'

'Amore i am worriedd.. i don't wanna leave you'

'Ethan please just go okay?? Your work is also important..'

'I know that but.. you're my girlfriend'

'ethan go..'

'Well okay.. but call me okay?? If there i-'

'I'll baby.. i'll..'

**and he leaves**

{Thomas pov} *at the studio*

I am at the studio and eva is with me and leonora is at home.. i miss her somestimez i mean we still do stuff together but i am always so busy sometimes.. and well i just miss my bestie..


'Eva??what are you doing here? I tought you where home??'

'I was.. but uhm i was uhm bored so i cam here'

'Babe why is there a second hickey on your neck???'

'No there's not..?'

'Yess there is now tell me..'

'Thommy don't you trust me??..'

'I do.. babe but there is hickey on your neck..'

'There isn't..'

'Yess there is a second one... now come on eva tell me.. are you cheating on me??'

'No thommy why would i do that??.. noo!'

'You're lying..'

'No i am not!.. thommy come on you have to trust me...'

'Well then explain... why is there a hickey on your neck?? Even tho you didn't cheat?!'

'Thommy.... I didn't cheat and there is no hickey on my neck'

'Yess there isss!'


Oh greaaat damiano

'Yes dam'

'Bro are you comming??? We have to prac-..'

'Yeah yeah... i am comming'

~time skip~ *9pm* *in their bedroom*

{ethan's pov}

'My poor baby.. are you okay???'

'Yeah i am fine.. the cramps are less then this morning..'

'Good.. and did you eat something?'

'Yes.. i ate some soup but right after that i trew up...'

'Awww baby.. why didn't you call me???'

'I just.. didn't want to disturb you... amore'

'Aww i get that amore but next time when that happens please call me okay?? I wanna take care of my baby when she's not feelling well'

'I know.. and i'll baby..'

{leonora's pov}

'I know.. and i'll baby.. also did you talk to eva???'


'Cause i want her to come over.. sometime..'

'Okay maybe you should call her tomorrow then??'

'Yeah i'll..'

'If she picks up..cause she was very upset today'

'What??why???what happend???'

'She got into a fight with thomas cause she had a second hickey on her neck and he thinks she's cheating on him..'

'And is she???'

'He doesn't know cause she doesn't want to tell him..'

'Okay.. well maybe i can talk to her??after all she's my sister'

'Yes you're right.. after all she is your sister maybe she will talk to you..'

'I hope so baby..'


*mean while at eva's house* *same time*

{eva's pov}

'No seriously everything is going exactly as we've planned.. he totally belived me...'

'Haha did he??cause when i saw you guys figthing and he looked so mad..'

'Ohh well... soo uhmm about this morning.. dami..'

'What about it???'

'Well maybee we can pick up where we left off?..'

'Oeh good idea....'

'I love you.. we're an amazing team'

'Yes we are eva.. yes we are..'


Ohhh nooo 🙈🙈

Allrightt well enjoy, and i'll see you next time!❤️😘

My only angel❤️ {ethan Toricho}  Where stories live. Discover now