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{Ethan's pov}  ~time skip~ ~1pm~

'Amore i am back..'

'Hmm.. let me sleep.. i have very bad cramps..'

'Baby.. i promised i would give you cuddles.. so come here..'

'You never a-okay..'

*and she slowly wakes up and he pulss her closer*

'Are you feelling a bit better?'

'No.. my cramps got worse i tried to eat soup but i couldn't stand the smell of it.. so i ate some withe  bread with... strawberry jelly..'

'Aww my poor baby.. but it's good that you ate something.. but after that what did you do?'

'I just went back to bed.. it hurted so bad...'


*and he kisses her passiontly*

'Ethan what are you doing?

'Nothing.. just kissing you.. and well i was thinking about you..'

'I don- ohhh..'

'Yes.. amore but we can't..'

'I know baby... but it's not the most important thing..'

'True baby..'

*and after some time leonora falls asleep in his arms and right after ethan went down stairs leonora woke up again and she had a nightmare*

{Ethan's pov}

'Amore??.. hey hey ... shh what's wrong???wow. you're sweating.. amore..'

'It-it.. was so scary.. i just had the worst nightmare..'

*and she starts to cry really hard*

'Shhh baby.. it's okay.. i am here now.. shh'

'Daddy??why is mommy crying???'

Ohhh great.. louis.. he's turning 6 this week my little future drummer.. i mesn he really looks like me when i was little it's a bit scary sometimes haha..

'Mommy had a bad dream.. '

'Why did she had a bad dream..'

'Causee...uhm.. you wanna give mommy a hug?..'


*and he climbs on the bed*

'I loveee you mommy'

'I love you to.. baby..'

*the next day* *at the må house*

{Thomas pov}

I am feelling a little better now.. since eva left and nora come over today and that makes me happy so..

'Thom.. shall we watch a horror movie??'

'A horror movie?? Nora remember the last time we watchted that? You had nightmares for weeks'

'No i didn't..'

'Yes you did.. '

'Nooo now come on..'

'No no horror movies how about uhm a romantic one??'

'a romantic movie?? Ugh god no'

'Well then what do you want to watch crumpy girl?'

'What did you just call me??'


'Thomas raggi..'

'I said nothing!..'

'Well okay..'

*and she comes very close to him*

'What are you doing?'

'Uhhh we always hug?What's wrong with hugs??'

'Uhh mood swing??'



'Not funny!'

'Haha it is a bit funny tho ahaha'

'No it isn't!'


'Stop it !'

'Okay okay.. sorry sorry..'

'yeah you better be but you're my friend so..'

'I know i know nora i know'


Allrightt another chapter, enjoyy and i'll see youu next timee😘😘😘

My only angel❤️ {ethan Toricho}  Where stories live. Discover now