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*2weeks later* *at ethan's house* *11am*

{Ethan's pov}

It's eleven am in the morning and leonora is still sleeping.. but i decided to take shower.. and when i just wanted to wash my hair i feel hands around my waist..

'Amore.. what are you doing?'

'Goodmorning to you to.. amore..'

'Are you up to something?..'

'well.. not at the moment you?'

'Uhh i wanted to wash my hair but it seems to me that you have some other plans..'


*and her hands are stil around his waist*

'amore.. i wan-ahh..'

*and he hands are going lower untill she stops at this private 'part' and she stands in front of him instead of behind*



*they look eacohter in the eyes..for a second and then ethan starts kissing her.. and he pins her at the cold shower wall while she starts to kiss his neck*

'Hmm... b-baby..'

'You're so hot..when you do that..'

*and he moans a little while she goes lower to his private part*

'Hm.. baby..pl-'

*and she stops and comes back up*


'Oh you tought??that i? No baby..'

'You're teasing me..'

'No i am not...'

'You are..'

*and he looks into her eyes and he starts kissing her  again* *and he pust two f!ngers inside her pssy* *and starts moving them*

'Hm.. eth-ahh.. fck'

'I didn't hear that amore..'

'Hmm.. ethan... f!ck..'

*and he smirks at her while he starts to move his f!ngers a little faster*

'Hmm.. eth-..ethan you're so good at this..'

'Si amore.. i know that..'

'I l-love you so much baby.. hmm..'

*and after some time he stops and they get out of the shower and they contiue in the bedroom*

{leonora's pov}

'Hm.. i love you..'

'I love you to...'

*and he starts kissing her neck while he leads her to the bed and the fall on it.. when they hit the soft blanket.. ethan tries to grab a condom from the nightstand*

'Baby.. i am on the pill.. it's okay we don't need  to be safe all the time..'

'Babe does that..'

*and he stops*

'Mean that i want another baby.. yes..'

'But i tought you said that.. i mean last time..'

'Ethan.. i want to try.. i mean louis is growing up.. and well..'

'Okay.. but are you sure?'

'Ethan.. i am so sure about this..'

*and she smiles at him while he looks into her eyes*

'Please.. can you... i want you so bad..'

'You want me huh?'

*and he lays on top of her and he gets a bit lower and right before he starts he moves his hips against he pssy just to tease her first*

'Eth-ahh.. you dirty boy..'

'I am not dirty.. you are..'

'Hmm.. just stop teasing.. me..'


*and he does it again*

'Hmm.. i said stop pleasee.. i can't wait anymore..'

*and he just smirks at her and he starts doing 'it' *

~you all know what happens rn~

*Mean while at the må house*

{Thomas pov}

'Vic.. i am serious..don't laugh'

'I am not laughing thom but do you really wanna go in a date with someone you don't know?'

'Well yeah i mean i can't get eva back..'

'Thomas?!.. are you serious right now?? Do you really want her back???'

'I wanted that but now no.. not anymore.. i still miss her lots but it's over.. done.. gone with the windd'

'Hahah yeah sure'



'Yes damianoo'

'Do you wanna go out tonight??'

'Since when do you wanna go out?you hate parties'

'Well yes but i just tought...-'

'Yeah sure shall we ask leonora adn ethan to come to??'

'Yeah sure if they want to..and also eva will be here in a minute..'


'Yeah she called me if she could come over and i don't have a problem with that'

'Dam are you serious?!!'


Ohhh noo.. she's comming back 

Uhmm and uhn leonora.. becarefull next time okay? I get that you want a little one but not to many please😅😅😅🙈 ~haha i am just kidding.. sorry bad humor😅😂🙈 ~

Okayy well enjoy! And i'll see you next timee ciaooo😘😘😘

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