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{Leonora's pov}


'Nora.. i-.'

'Why didn't you tell me sooner??!!'

'I was afraid.. i just - i mean i-...'

*and she takes a deep breath and she sits down on the bed*

'I was afraid.. that you would freak out.. i mean when i met thomas he started talking about you alot and i just knew that you where safe.. and healthy.. a-.'

'But you didn't bother to tell me?!!'

'Babe.. let her finsh..'

'Are you on her side?!!!'

'No babe i am just trying to stay calm.. and so should you...'


'Babe.. let her finsh.. come on..'

*and he takes her hand while he looks into her eyes*


'Thank you.. as i was saying'

{eva's pov}

'When i met thomas.. i just knew that you were safe.. and healthy.. i just knew it.. cause when i came into the house that day when i saw you.. it was so good to see you again..even tho you didn't knew it back then..'

'okay.. but can i ask you one thing?'

'Yes.. ofcourse si-.. leonora..'

'why did you leave???'

'I- i- i just wanted to see the world... and just travel and paint... but when i came to rome.. just for a little vaction.. i didn't expect i would meet thomas.. and well.. that i would date him..'

'Okay but mom and dad where crushed..'

'I know.. they where but they know that i am here and that i am safe..'


'Is there anything else you wanna know??'

'Yes.. does thomas know??'

'Yes he knows but i told him when you where in paris so..'

'Okay?? Anyone else??'

'Damiano.. cause i trusted him.. and he didn't jugde me..'

'Okay.. that's all i wanted to know.. now please leave..'

'Okay.. if that's what you want..then i am leaving..'

*and she stand up*

{ethan's pov}

Oh my oh my.. i still can't belive that thomas his girlfriend is nora's sister.. i mean.. it's alot to take in.. espcially for nora.. my baby..

'Amore??.. are you sure you want eva to leave??'

'Yes.. i don't wanna see her.. ever again..'

'Babe.. she's your sister..'

'I don't care!!.. i just never wanna see her again!she lied to me!!'

'Babe.. please calm down.. you very emotinal right now.. don't do this..'


'Don't do this babe.. she's your sister and well yes it's wrong that she lied to you but.. you know the truth now..'

'Yeah.. your right...'


**Back to the present**

~the next day~ *time; 1pm* *at her house*

{eva's pov}

'And??What did she say???'

'She said she would give me a second change wich is good... and she belived everything about that i left and also she doesn't know anything about  the rest of the story  so we're safe and everything is going exactly as we planned'

'Good... and thomas? Does he ??'

'Ohhh.. yeah He doesn't know anything.. either but i thi-..'

'Very good work my love...'

'Thank you but i th-..'

*and he kisss he for a couple of mintues*

' hm.. i was thinking.. maybe we could watch a movie tonight?orr we could do something else..'


'Uhmm... i was thinking.. maybe..'

*and he kisses her again*


'I love you so much baby girl..'

'I lo-love you to..'

'You stutterd... babe..'

'No i didn't...'

'Yes you did what's wrong???'

'Nothing... it's nothing...'

'You sure about that???'



Oh okayy.. eva what the hell are you doing???👀 your with thomas for god sake!... ughh and lying to your own sister?! What the f!

Okayy another chapter😉 enjoyy , see youu next time😉😉

My only angel❤️ {ethan Toricho}  Where stories live. Discover now