18.{the long lost sister}p2.

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{Thomas pov}

'Thomas it's me.. i am her sister..'


'Bro calm down.. she jus-..'

'Dam! Go away!'

'Bro i am not leaving.. your angry.. i am j-..'

'I said go away! I wanna talk with eva..'

'no i am going to talk with eva'


'Yes thom please bro go down stairs and go outside to smoke or something..'


'I said go!'

'Okay okay.. sorry sorry'

*and he goes down stairs*

{damiano's pov}

'Soo eva.. why didn't you tell them??'

'What do you mean? I just told thomas'

'Yeah but i mean leonora she's your sister eva you should tell her'

'i know.. but i couldn't.. dam when i met thomas i just knew that she was safe cause when he mentioned her i just knew that it was nora'

'I know eva but why did you tell me first???'

'Cause i trust you.. and you don't jugde people'

'well that's true.. but still you could've told leonora..'

'I know.. i know maybe i should tell her when she gets back from Paris?'

'Yeah maybe or you could call her??'

'Nooo bad bad idea.. i wanna tell her face to face..'

'Well it's your choice'

~time skip~ ~1pm~

{leonora's pov}

me and ethan just came back at the hotel after an amazing afternoon in paris it's such a beautifull city... and the people are so nice here and ohh don'tt get me started on the food..


'Yes.. my dear'

'You wanna watch a movie??and cuddle?'

'Sounds good to me..'

*and they lay down on the bed next to eachother And ethan takes her into his arms*

'I love you so muhch leonora.. you're my whole world'

'Aww ethann..'

'I mean it.. you're it for me nora..'


'Have i told you how much i love it when i see you smile amore'

'Uhh... to many??'

'Haha.. but still you're so cute when you smile.. everything is cute about you..'

'Ethann.. stop iit.. you're making me shyy..'

'Aww is my baby a bit shy?'

'Yeah.. cause your saying all the sweet things to me that's why..'


'Oh stop it..'

'Amore.. do you still wanna watch that movie??'

'No.. i am good..'


'Yes.. i mean i wanted to do something else..anyways'

'What did you had in mind??'


**and she kisses him**

'Oeh.. i like this idea..'

'You do huh??'

*she says with a very big smirk on her face*

'Yes.. yes i do..'

*and they contiue kissing*

~you know what's gonna happen now~


Sorryy it's short but the next one will be longer! Soo uhm enjoy! And i'll see youu next timee 😘😘😘

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