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*the next day; at the må house* *12pm*

{Thomas pov}

'Oh heyyy guys..'

'Hey thom.. why are you so happy??'

Leonora asks me while she is playing with chili on the carpet

'Nothing i am just happy nora'

'You sure cause you have that big smile on your face and i know that smile you're in love..'

'No i am not.. i mean i-.'

'So you are??'

'Who's what???'

'Oh hey vic'

'Thomas is in loveee'

'Oehh who's the lucky one???'

'Uhh e-i mean uhm someone..'

'Oehh mistery girl.. but nora shall we take chili for a walk??'

'Yea suree..'

*and after some hours they leave*

~time skip~ ~4pm~

{Ethan's pov}


'Oh hi.. babe.. sorry i just wanted to watch tv alone without the others so i came here.. i know it's you room b-..'

'Amore it's your room to now..and i also wanted some alone time with you honey..'


'Yeah .. i mean maybe we can..'

*and he kisses her*

'Hihi.. what are you up to?'

'nothing.. i just think your very beautiful and that i love your lips..'

*and he kisses her again..while she pulls him closer*

'Oeh.. your taking the lead.. amore i like..'

*he says between the kiss* *and she blushes*

~mean while down stairs~

{Thomas pov}

'Vic! I wanted to watch another moviee'

'Yeah me to vicaa'

'Guys did you hear that???'


*damiano and thomas both say*

'i hear noices.. in ethan's room'

'That's probably nora...'

'No shit.. bro they're having sex'

'Shh! Guys! Don't talk so loud!'

'Who's having sex???'

'Eva???what are you doing here??'

'Babe i still have a key remember..??'

'Oh yeah shiit i forgot..'

'Don't worry babe..'

*and she kisses him*

~time skip; 10pm~

{Leonora's pov}

I am in bed laying on ethan's chest.. while he has his arms round me.. When all of the sudden i have a weird feelling in my stomach

'Are you okay babe??'

'Huh?? Yeh i am fine i just have a weird feelling in my stomach.. i think i am having my period very soon.. i hate itt soo much..

'Awww... yeah ny sisters always complained about it to...'

'You have sisters??'

'Yeah two.. abd you any siblings??'

'Well i have one sister but i hardly see her she is an artist or something i don't know much about her she moved out when i was younger'

'Ohhh.. huh eva is an artist..'

'What did you say???'

'That she is an artist why???'

'Uhh nothing...'

'Okay.. well.. i am a bit tired babe.. shall we go to sleep..?'

'Uh yeah sure..'

'You wanna stay like this?'



Okayy sorryy it's such a short one but i don't feel very good these days , and i don't have lots of inspration but i will get it back! Soo enjoy! And see youu next timee😘😘😘

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