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*a couple of days later* *2pm* *in the living room*

{Leonora's pov}

Me and ethan just came back from paris a couple of days back and even tho i miss paris i am glad that i am back in rome..



'Do you wanna go out tonight??Vic asked if you wanted to come'

'Yeah sure i would love to but what about... little louis??'

'He can stay at my parents house i already called then and they're okay with it..'

'Okay good..'

*and she kisses him*

'Hm.. keep doing that and we wil repeat this morning..'

'repeat huh??'

*she says with a cheeky smile*

'babe.. you driving me crazy you know that right..'

'I know..'

*and she kisses him again* *and pulls hin closer.. to her body*

*and the contiue kissing for a couple of minutes.. when ethan's phone starts ringing*

'D-don't pick up..'

'I have to baby.. it's damiano...'

'Noo.. you can call him lateer'

'No.. i need to take this..'

*and he picks up*

{ethan's pov}


'Bro where are you?? Your late!'


'We're having a studio session today remember?! Your late!'

'Wow wow.. relax bro i am own my way i am sorry... i'll be there as fast as i can'

'Good! And hurry!!'

*and he hangs up*

'Babe what's wrong???'

'I have to go.. we where having a studio session today and i forgot.. i have to go there'

'I can come with you..'

'Nora no.. i am going alone sorry..'


'Don't arguge with me right now..'

'Amore.. i said nothing... '

'Well i am leaving...'

*and he leaves*


~time skip~ ~4am in the morning~

{Thomas pov}

'AHAhahaha thommyyyyy'

Ohh godd.. nora got drunk.. and now she doesn't wnat to go inside the house.. and the sun is almost comming up.. ughhhhh

'Nora come on.. pleasee go insde..'

'nOoo.. i dOn't  want tOoo.. i WAnna stay-uppss....'

*and she almost falls but thomas catches her*

'Well nora shall we go inside now??'


*and he carries her insde the må house*

'Okay.. now do you need some help to go upstairs??'


'Yes you do..'

'HeY ThOmas ! DOn't kiss hEr!!! She's Ahaha EthAn's giRlfriend!'

'Shhh!!! Vic!! Damiano is sleeping!!!'


~time skip~ ~12pm~

{leonora's pov}

Ughhh my head.. oh my god.. my head it hurtss.. soo badd... ughh what the hell did i do last night????.. and why does my smells like thomas his perfume???  ughhh.. so so so many qe-..

'Goodafternoon sleepy head..'

'Ughhh not so loud.. amore..'

'Amore??? Uhh nora ethan is already down stairs'


'I am your best friend remember..?'

'Yes i remember.. ughh but why i am i-..'

Oh crap.. i am in my underwear... ohhhh goddd...

'Nora?what's wrong??'

'Thomas why i am i in my underwear?? And why i am i in you room?????'

'Cause you threw up and ethan was already sleeping and soo uhm i took your clothes off and then you fell on the bed..and you felt asleep like a baby'

'ohh my goddd...'


'It's okay.. it's okay...'

'Well do you wanna come down stairs with me?or do you want edgar to come and get you..'


'Okay i'll go get him..'

*and later ethan comes upstairs*

{ethan's pov}

'Hi amore..'

'Hi love..'

'Aww my poor baby.. are you okay??'

'Yeah.. i am fine.. sort of.. but my head hurts..'

'Aww you'r having a hangover..'

'Yeah no shit..'

'Ahaha sorry i am joking.. but do you want breakfast?? I made some panckes'

'Noo.. thank you.. i feel to hangover to eat right now..'

'But babe you have to..'

'I know.. and i'll ... just not now..'

'Okay okay.. wanna go to my room? And cuddle a bit??'

'Yes please..'

*and she gets out of the bed but then eva comes running into thomas his room*

'Eva???what are you doing here???'

*leonora asks her while she's all confused*

'Oh good you're back..'

'Yes we came back a few days ago why??'

'Soo?? Thomas or damiano didn't tell you anything yet???'

'What .. ?? I don't know what you're talking about'

'Leonora remember when you told thomas the story about your sister???

'Yes???what about it??

'Well.... Uhhh'


'Uhhhh.... Oh my god.. i can b-..'

'Eva come on tell me what about that story???'

'Uhhh.... Leonora.. i am your sister...'



Ohhh godd.... 👀🙈 she knows...🤭 ...

Well.. Allright thenn...  another chapter! Enjoy! And i'll see youu next timee😉😉😘

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