30.{'is this really goodbye?'}

53 3 1

{leonora's pov} *the next day*

It's the next day and i am already awake .. while ethan is still sleeping so i decided to take a shower when i feel arms around my waist


'Hi love..'

'Hmm.. your so sexy'

'Eth-hmm no.. i am not..'

'Yes you are... amore'

*and he starts kissing her neck leaving hickey's all over*

'Hmm.. eth-ethan..'

'You like??..'

'I d-do.. ahh....'

*and he smirks and contiues*

'Hmm.. baby... i can't wait anymore..'


'Y-yes.. you're so good at this.. hmm..'

'I know baby..'

*you know what happens next*

~later that day~ ~at the må  house~

{damiano's pov}

'Eva come on talk to me pleasee..'

'No! I am leaving!.. i am so done with you!'

'ba-babe come on i-'

'Don't! Call me that!'


'I said no!! You ruined everything!.. '

'Eva i said i am sorry...'

'You talked shit about me!!'

'No didn't?!!'

'Yes you did!! I never told anyone anything bad about you!'

'eva i di-'

'I am leaving!! And i am not keeping the baby!'


'You heard me!'

*and she slams the front door*

{leonora's pov}

I am just sitting on the couch reading a book when the door bell rings.. who could that be??


'Hi.. can i come in?'

'Uhh actually n-yeah come in..'

*and she walks into the house*

'What happend??'

'Well.. i am pregnant.. with damiano's baby and i came over today to talk to him but it ended up into a fight.. so right now i don't wanna keep the baby anymore cause it seems to me that he doesn't care'

'Sis.. i know you cheated with him on thomas but.. he means well.. and he is a good man eva.. and even tho he's annoying sometimes he's a friend.. of mine and i protect them..'

'I get that.. but i think it's better if i leave...'

'What?! No sis come you can stay right?'

'No nora too much has happend and i don't wanna stay in rome forever.. i can go to where ever want and rent another house and art studio.. i am old enough to travel sisi'

'i know but.. you know..  after all that has happend sis i forgive you.. i mean you did something very bad but  you learned from your mistake..'

'nora i know that but.. i wanna travel again.. i've been missing it for so long..'

'You can travel here..'

'No i can't sis i wanna see the world.. you have your life here with ethan..'

'Sis i don't wnat u to go okay?!'

'Well i am leaving anyways.. it's too much for me all of this nora'

'No! Yiu can stay here! With us.. i mean ethan and i wanted to move anyways so i can give you my old house'

'No no no.. i don't want your house sis'

'Oh for god sake!!!'

'Leonora.. please try to understand...'

'No!! Your my sister! I want you in my life'

'Leonora i can't stay here.. as i said too much has happend..'

'Eva!! For fck sake!!! Just stay!!'


'Okay so.. is this really goodbye then???'

'I-i don't know...'


'Okay... i am-'

'Babe are you comming? I made tea with cookies'

'Oh yeah.. i'll come in just one second... baby'

'Leonora you have t-'

'I have to go eva... i guess i'll see you ... soon?'


*and she closes the door*



'Is everything okay?why was eva at the door??'

'Oh she wanted to tell me something..'

'And what did she wanted to tell you..??'

'That she's  leaving.. again.. she wants to travek the world..'

'Aww are you okay???'

'Yes i am okay ethan i got everyhting wanted here... with you amore'

'Awww... baby..'

*and they kiss for a little while and then they look eaother in the eyes*

'I love you so much amore...'

'I love you to ethan..'



Okayy omg😢🥺 this is it for now.. 🤭😏 the end of a beautifull story.. i mean i am so happy wit this book because i wrote it for a very close friend of mine , who became very special to me cause she's always there for me when i need her and i can always talk to her when i am feelling down or sad i just.. can always count on her and i love her for that!😘😘😘


See youuu soonn😘😘😘

My only angel❤️ {ethan Toricho}  Where stories live. Discover now