17.{The long lost sister}p1.

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{ethan's pov} *at the ariport in paris*

Me and leonora just arrived in the city of lovee paris i wanted to suprise her with this trip because she has done nothing but taking care of our Louis and i tought she needed some rest and also for me cause i helped her alot even tho she didn't wanted most of the time but.. and i get snapped out of my toughts by nora

'Edgar??? Shall we take this cab to our hotel??'

'Si amore..'

*and after some hours they arrived at their hotel*

'It's beatifull!!'

'You like it amore??'

'Si i like it.. very much..'

*and she pulls him closer*


'Yess my lovee?'

'What are you doing???'

'Nothing.. i just uhh..'


*and she says nothing..*

'Leonora.. you naughty girl..'

*she just smirks at him and they start kissing*

'Mhh.. amore..'

*and they fall on the bed while ethan start underessing her*

'mhh.. ethan pleasee.. your slow..'

*and he just smirks at her and contiues on taking her clohtes off*



*and he kisses her on every part of her body* *while going lower and lower*

'Mhh.. ethan i want you pleasee'

'Oeh you want me already hott..'

'Ethan pleasee'

'Oh you're beggin now.. '

*and he takes off her panties and he brings his face closer to her ***ssy and he starts !cking her there*

'Ahh.. ethan...'

*and she moans while she grsbs the bed sheets*

'ethan... eth-ethan!...hmm..'

*and she lays her head into one of the pillow's on the bed*

'Babe.. don't be shy.. you can look at me..'

*and he contiues*

'Hmm.. amore.. pleasee i want you..'

*he still doesn't stop*

'Ethan.. pleasee i am beggin' you..'

'Oh do that again'

*and he contiues*


'Good girl'

*he smirks at her while he stops and comes closer to her and she starts undressing him*

~you all know what happens next~

(A/N:  i am sorry if i wrote something wrong butt english isn't my first launge soo 😅😅 yeah)

~mean while at the må house~

{Thomas pov}

'Ohh come onn babee.. why don't you wanna go out??'

'Cause of mira maybe??? Our daughter'

'Babe my parents could watch her..'

'Yes i know.. they could..'

'Sooo??? Is that a yes???'

'Well okay.. just this once'


*and he hugs her*

'Haha are you happy?'

'Yes very'

*thomas says while he looks into her eyes*

'I love you so much amore..'

'I love you to thomas.. also i was thinking maybe after we partied we could uhm contiue what we started this morning??..'

*and she kisses him passiontly*

'Or now... cause no one's home anyways..'

'Uh damiano is.. vic's out and ethan is in paris with nora'



'Hey cou-..omgg... sorryy..'

'Bro!! Knock first okay???'

*and eva steps away from thomas..*


'Eva??could i talk to you uhm for just a second??'

'Yeah sure..'

'Uhh in private??'

'Ohh uh sorry sorry.. i'll go..'

'Noo baby you can stay...'


'Baby you can stay..please'

'eva come on.. you didn't tell him???'

'Tell me what???'


'Eva come on now.. you should tell him..and also did you tell leonora yet??'

'babe what's going on here????'

'Thomas.. i was going to tell you b-..'

'But what???eva come on speak up..'

'Yes eva it's time for the truth come on..'

'Damiano! No! He can-i mean leonora doesn't even know yet..'

'Babee what's going on??!!'

'Okay.. thomas remember when leonora told ethan that she had a sister?and that she was an arstist??'

'Yeah i already knew that story leonora told me years ago..but what about it??'

'Thomas it's me.. i am her sister'


~to be contiued~


Enjoy! See youu next timee😘😘😘

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