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{thomas pov} *one day later* *11am*

It's eleven am in the morning and eva still hasn't come back yet.. because of yesterday cause she was mad at me for something stupid and also about leonora.. about that she said that she should've gone away.. but nora decided to give her second  change.. and still she acted stubborn.. ughhh i miss her.. where the hell did she go????...


Wait?? Is that???

*and he walks down stairs*

'Babe! Omgsch i was so worried about you!!... where where you????'

'Thom.. i was at a friends house.. i am sorry i didn't tell you..'

wait.. Babe is that a hickey on your neck??!'

'No..? There is no hickey on my neck babe..'

'Yes there is.. babe where the hell where you???'

'I told you i was at a friends house relax baby... maybe we can take bath together???...'

'Well.. okay'

'Good... also did mira sleep?? I am worried about her cause she was crying alot lately..'

'Yes she slept..don't worry babe'

'Okay good.. now how about uhm.. that bath we're going to take together..'

*and she kisses him passtiontly*



*and she starts kissing his neck*

'Hm.... Pl-please keep going..'

'Ohh i'll..'

**you know what happens next**

~mean while at ethan's house~ ~same time~

{Ethan's pov}

It's one day later and i am so glad that nora gave eva a second change because after all they're sisters.. and family.. but yeah i think it's good that nora did this.. cause other wise i don't know what could've happend if she didn't find out..

'Baby... come here i want cuddels..'

'Noo.. i am trying to call my mom to tell her that eva is here with me..'

'But eva said that they knew that already?'

'Oh sh!t you're right i forgot.. ughhh..'

'Now come here baby.. i want cuddels...'


'Yes amore..'

*and she lays next to him on the bed*

'Amore are you up to something???'

'No? Why would i be up to something??'

'Cause you want to cuddle you never ask.. to cuddle you just do it..'



'Well... maybe i uhh..'


'I just... i was.. when you where in the shower.. i uh i mean the door was open and uhh..'

'You looked???ethan! You dirty boy!'

'Heyy!... i am not dirty! Take that back!'


*she says with a very big smirk on her face*

'Babe don't make that face right now'

'Wich face???'

'You know what i mean amore..'

'No i don't amore'

**she laughs teasingly** *while they look ecohter in the eyes*

'Amore.. have i told you how much i love you ?... '

'Yes amore many times why??'

'Also have i ever told you i love it when you tease me?'

'Uh yes? To many times'

'good.. cause now i am going to tell you again.. i love it when you tease me amore'

**and he pulls her closer**


'Very good...'

*and they keep looking into eacohter eyes.. they can hear eacohter breathing*



**and he starts kissing her passiony while he takes iff her sweater and hd starts undressing her*

'Hmm.. you're fast...i like that..'

'You do huh??..'

**and they contiue kissing**

'Hmm.. n-nora.. god you're so sexy'

'So are you..'

**and she starts undressing him** **while has his hands near her private part already**

'You're so wet already.. amore..'

**he says with a very big smirk on his face while she sits in his lapn and she starts moving her hips agains his private 'part **

'Hmm.. babee...'

**he moans** while she contiues*

'You like this.. don't you amore'

'I-i do... please stop teasting me..'

'No.. no not yet'

**and she smirks at him**

{leonora's pov}

Here i am.. sitting on ethan's lap totally in controll..and i enjoy it so much... he's so sexy when he looks at me..witt those dark brown eyes.. full of lust.. and feelling that he's getting hornier by the second... ...god i love him so much..

'Hmm... baby... please i want you...'

'I didn't hear that..'

'Hmm... please.. baby... '

'good boy..'

*and she stops and he turns her over so he's on top of her and she's underneath him*

'Babe i can't wait anymore.. are y-..'


*and he starts doing it*

~you all know what happends next~


Ehehe okayy 👀 well what can i say... never mindd anywayss , enjoy this new chapter! And i'll see youu next timee 😘😘😘


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