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{ethan's pov} *the next day*

I just wome up and leonora is still sleeping my god she is so cute when she sleeps.. i mean she is the love of my life and i really wanna marry her..

'Hm.. goodmorning.. ethan..'

'Oh hey goodmorning love.. did you sleep well??..'

'i slept great.. how about you??'

'I slept great..cause i was sleeping next to you amore..'

'Aww amore..'

*and she kisses him*

'I love you so much baby..'

'i love you to ethan.. '


~mean while at thomas his house~

{Thomad pov}

'Babee come on..can we please talk..??'

'no.. thomas.. you lied.. i don't talk to people who lie..'

'oh come onn.. babee..'

'I said no!!'

Ugh i hate it when she does this.. ughh why is she always soo stubbornn...

'Eva.. come on talk to me.. i love you..'

'ughh okay.. talk..'

'Okay.. i am sorry about yesterday.. and that i lied but you don't have to be like this..'

'Thomas... please spare me your b-..'

'Babe i am really trying here..'

'Oh pleasee..'

'Babe don't act like child..'


*time skip* *at the beach in rome*

{ethan's pov}

Me and leonora are walking on the beach and i am getting really nervous.. now cause i am about to ask her..something..haha

*and he stops walking*

'Ethan wha-..'

'Love since the day we meet.. i tough this is the one for me..and i wanna spend the rest of my life with you... leonora.. do you wanna be with me forever?..'

*and he gets down on one knee*

'O-omg.. ethan...'

*and she tears up out of happiness*

'babe d-..'

'Yes!!i wanna be with you forever!!..'

*and he gets up and puts the ring on her finger*

'It's beatifull.. ethan..'

'Just like you babe..just like you..'

*and after some time they're laying on the beach and looking at the starts for a while and after that they get home *

{leonora's pov}

Me and ethan  just got home.. from a lovely evening..and i can't belive i am saying this but i am getting married to ethan!!..i mean... omgg...



'Shall we got to bed?? I am a bit tired..'

'Yes..me to amore..'

*and they get upstairs and after a while they fall asleep*


I am sooo sorry it's so short but enjoy!and i'll see you next timee!!😘😘😘

My only angel❤️ {ethan Toricho}  Where stories live. Discover now