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*8pm yesterday*

{ethan's pov}

'And eva is pregnant...'

'Wait baby.. you and thomas got into a fight and eva is pregnant??'


'But what does that have to do with you guys fighting??'

'Well.. he was acting weird and i asked him if there was something wrong.. but when i asked him he got mad and and...'

*and she cries harder*

'Shh.. amore it's going to be okay..'

'You think??'

*she says while she lays her head on his chest*

'Yeah i think so.. but shall we go upstairs andd maybe take a uhm shower together? Or a bath.. i can light up some candles.. if you want..'

'a bath sounds good to me..'

*she says while he wipes her tears away with his tumb*

'Good.. cause i wanna see you happy and not sad amore'

'I know amore.. i know'


*the next moring* *11am*

{Ethan's pov}

It's the next day and my love is still sleeping.. omgsh she is so cute when she sleeps... my sweet angel.. it just broke my heart when i saw her cry yesterday she was so upset.. i mean thomas is my best friend but if you make my love cry..then yo-. And i get snapped out of my toughts by my amore..

'Goodmorning sweetheart how you're feelling?'

'I am okay..'

'Ohh my baby..'

*and he takes her into his arms*

'i just can't belive what just happend yesterday i mean we never got into a fight like this'

'I know.. amore but maybe i can cheer you up?'

'Yeah.. ?'

'Well i was uhm thinking maybe uhm we could uhm..'


'go to milan??'

'Ethan! Are you crazy?!! Milan!!'

'Ahaha yeah i already booked two tickets and a hotel.. just for the two of us.. does that sounds good my lady??'

'It sounds veryy good..'

*and she comes closer to him and sits on his lap*

'Oh that's good  way to greet me.. i like it..'

'you do??'

*and she moves her hips a little*

'Hm.. baby.. i love it when you do that..'

'I knoww..'

**and she starts kissing him**

~you know what they are going to do now~

{Thomas pov} *same time* *at his house*

It's the next day and i didn't sleep at all last night i just can't belive that me and nora got into a fight like that i mean we never fighted like this before..

'goodmorning thommy..'

'Goodmorning my love.. did you sleep well ?'

'Yeah i slept great you?'

'No.. i didn't sleep at all.. i just can't stop thinking about what happend last night babe..'

'I know thommy but maybe you guys should talk about it i mean after all she is your best friend'

'i know... but she feels more like a sister to me..'

'I know you've told me that..'

'Yeah well... soo uhm what do you wanna so today??'

'Uhm maybe we could stay home and just watch some movies and just chill a bit?'

'Yeah we could do that or we could..do this'

*and he kisses her passiontly*

'Hmm.. thomas we can-..'

'I know...'

*and he conuties kissing her*

'Then why-..hmm.. are you kissing me??'

'Cause i love you.. amore'

'I love you to thommy..'

*time skip* *9pm* *at the hotel in milan*

{Leonora's pov}

Me and ethan just arrived at the hotel in milan and it's amazing.. it feels so good to be away..and just relax.. a little With my sweetheart


'Yeess my lovee..'

'Shall we order room service cause i wanna stay here..'

'But that's to expensive!'

'Nothing is to expensive... for you my love'

'but i-..'

'No buts.. we're ordering okay??'

'Okay love..'


*and he comes closer to her*

'What are you up to?..'

'Nothing babe.. you just look so beautiful.. and have i told you that you were amazing this morning..'

*he says while he wraps his hands around her waist and pulls her closer*

'Ethan..stopp.. you're making me blush'


~to be contiued~


Okayy allrightyy , another chapter i hope you like it! And i'll see youu next timee😘😘😘

My only angel❤️ {ethan Toricho}  Where stories live. Discover now