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{Ethan's pov}

'Ethan i-..'

'You don't like me??...'

'Ethan i like you... i've been in love with you since we kissed..that night when we were drunk..'

'me too... nora...'

'Uhh... shall we wat-..'

*and before she could finsh her sentence he kisses her*



*and they look eacother in the eyes*

'Nora do you wanna be my girlfriend'

'Uhh.. isn't that a bit to fast??..'

'Uhh..well uhm.. if you don-..'

Ethan i really want to... but.. i am afraid the others will jugde us...'

'What do you mean by the others??'

'Well.. damiano..vic.. thomas... maybe..'

'Ethan.. i know thomas for a very long time now.. he won't jugde..trust me..'

'Okay.. if you say so..'

~the next day~

{Ethan's pov}

It's the next day and i wake up next to leonora.. huh??? Omg.. we fell asleep.. shiit.. i hope the others won't get mad... and especially thomas..

'Mhh.. goodmoring.. amore..'

'Hey your awake..'

'Yeah...  i slept great.. hey? Is eveything okay amore?'

'Yeah i am fine baby girl.. but we fell asleep..'

'Yeah we did.. '

'Nora maybe you should leave before the others wake up..'


'Cause i am afraid they won't like you... i am sorry i should've told you sooner but.. damiano doesn't like you that much and so does vic..'


'They think your to.. girly.. like your to i don't know let's say that they said that you're not so cool..'


'Yeah ... they just always have a-..'

'I get it but.. i am nothing like that.. i mean vic even danced with me that night we almost kissed and in the moring she even talked with me..during breakast..'

'Yea but she was just trying to be nice..'

'ohh... well maybe i should go then..'

'No..no.. i don't want you to go..'


-and he smiles at her and pulls her closer~

'What are you doing??..'


*and he kisses her softly on the lips*

~time skip~ ~7pm~  *at the må house*

{Vic's pov}

Damianio and thomas are out and ethan and leonora are still here ughh i just can't stand the girl like she is always so i don't know so not cool  even tho i don't know her that well but.. yeah i just th-..


Oh greaatt.. there she is..


'I just wanted to say that i want all of us to get along.. and i also wanted to tell you that ethan and i are together not like you care but ... anyways i am going back upstairs to ethan..'

Ohh crap  he told her.. i mean ughh ofcourse he told her it's ethan.. he doesn't lie

'Hey.. i know he told you..'

'So??? What's the big deal?? I mean see if i care..'

'Leonora.. i just don't know you that well i mean you and thomas are best friends and me and damiano are just outsiders.. for you..and him like same with ethan.. your with him now..'

'So you guys are jealous??'

'No we just want you to come talk with us and you don't like thomas is always at your house and stuff and that one time you were here i mean you didn't even talked to us the whole night..'

'we danced togetger..and in the moring... w-..'

'I know but still just come talk with us sometimes.. i mean damiano i just as cool as thomas and ethan'

'Okay.. i'll do that..'

'So we're good??'

'Yeah we're good vic..'

'Well maybe you wanna do something tomorrow??'

'Yeah sure vic..'

'Okay maybe we can take chili for a walk and then go to the city?? And then maybe we can get damiano to come along with us andd go out for drinks??'

'Yeah suree.. wait you have a dog?? Omg i lovee dogss'

'Really?? Then i think you'll like chili'

'Haha is that your dogs name sounds cute..'

'Haha thanks '

'Also leonora.. congrats.. i am very happy for you and ethan'

'Thanks vic'

*and she walks back upstairs*

{ethan's pov}

'Hey there you are uh were are the snacks??'

'Uhh i forgot vic and i got uhm..'

'You guys talked??'

'Yes and we're good and we're going to the city tomorrow with damiano..'

'Ohh that's nice but you what's even nicer baby girl..'



*and he kisses her softly.. and then after a little while he gets rougher*

'Mhh.. ethan.. '

'What's wrong my love?.. do you want us to contiue?..'

'No.. i mean yes.. but.. it's just i never had sex before..'

'What? So i am your fi-..'

'First boyfriend...'

'Aww.. that's cute..'

'Why is that cute??..'

'Cause i've never been someone's first boyfriend.. it's cute..'



Allright the second chapter😘 hope you likee itt ! See youu next timee😘

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