6. America

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14 Weeks Later

"I'm going to be sick," Dabi said, curling up next to Hawks, burying his face in Hawks' chest.

"Hey I'd rather be flying right now too," Hawks said with a small chuckle.

"Do you think this is funny?" Dabi said.

"Oh come on Dabs," Toga said, "its very funny."

Tokoyami let out a small grunt and inched away from Toga, not that there was much room to move. Tokoyami, Toga, Hawks, and Dabi were all crammed in a small space in the back of the cargo ship. Most would question the group at best, but for the right price it was the captain's job not to question it.

"You can relax a little you know," Toga said watching as Tokoyami was trying to inch away, "its not like we're here for a fight or anything."

Tokoyami didn't say anything, still trying to create as much space between them as possible.

"If you didn't want to come, you didn't have to," Dabi said rolling his eyes at the boy.

"For all I know this could be some plan, for you two to take out Hawks and run away to America," Tokoyami said, "besides you need two witnesses anyway."

"Even if that was the plan," Toga said, "what makes you think you could stop us."

"Come on guys," Hawks said, "please don't fight in front of the baby."

"The egg..." Dabi corrected, "Why did you bring that thing anyway?"

"Was I supposed to leave our child behind, Dabi?" Hawks said, "lets just turn around and I'll leave him at home, then when he hatches, he'll be all alone."

"And what makes you think it is a boy?" Dabi said.

"Ha, you admit it," Hawks said, "he is our child."

"That is not what I said," Dabi said glaring at Hawks.

"Aww I can't believe you two are going to be parents," Toga said, "especially Dabi here, not gonna lie, I'm a little worried for that baby."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dabi said.

"Touya, you're not really the dad type," Toga said, "but that's ok, because Hawks will also be there."

"I would be a great dad," Dabi said turning his head away, "but I'm not going to be one because we're both men and we can have babies anyway."

"Oh Touya," Hawks said patting him on the shoulder, "I'm sure you'll be a great dad. Once you finally accept your going to be one."

"I'm sick of you all," Dabi said, "and this stupid sea sickness." The ship suddenly came to a halt, which took Dabi everything he had not to throw up right there.

"I think we're here," Hawks said, standing up for the first time in hours.

The four had to sneak past the Korean customs, while the cargo ship was being unloaded in the port and caught a taxi to the airport.

Hawks was nervous the whole flight from South Korea to America, concerned that at any moment someone might notice them.

"Calm down baby," Dabi whispered in his ear, "you looking nervous is more suspicious than anything right now. Just relax."

"Attention passengers, we are now landing in the Las Vegas international Airport," the pilot said over the speaker, "please stay seated while the plane lands."

It took about an hour for them to get out of the airport before finally heading to their hotel, "Wow," Hawks said turning to Dabi, "I've heard of Vegas but I've never really seen it before. Oh look, that hotel looks like the Tokyo tower," he pointed out the window as they passed by.

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