Shinji sat on his dads' bed while Momo and Fuyumi watched him. Instead of following them like he was supposed to, as soon as they had left the police station, Shinji ran away from them.
Fuyumi and Momo followed him until they found Shinji in the apartment. They found him sitting on the bed, staring at the wall.
"Daddies will come back for me," Shinji looked up at Momo and Fuyumi in the doorway. "They'll be able to find me here."
"Shinji, we have to take you home with us," Momo walked towards Shinji.
"I am home," Shinji said, looking away from her. "Daddies will come back for me."
Shinji crawled out of the bed and walked over to the TV, playing with the controls. After playing with it long enough, a video popped up on the screen.
Dabi and Hawks sat next to Shinji, as a candle in the shape of the number one burned blue in front of him. "Make a wish Dove," Dabi whispered. Shinji turned his head back and forth between his dads, confused by the cupcake in front of him.
With a smile, Dabi and Hawks looked at each other, and then together, they blew out the candle for Shinji. Although he had been too young to remember, or even to know what a birthday was, his dads would never forget that night.
The video changed to Shinji running away from the camera in the snow, laughing as he ran. Dabi chased after him, "I'm gonna get you."
"No," Shinji giggled and reached down to grab a handful of snow. Just as he reached down Dabi slipped and fell into the snow, with a groan. Hawks' laughter echoed from behind the camera, as Shinji ran up to Dabi, jumping on his chest and throwing the handful of snow into Dabi's face, "I got you, Daddy."
"You did, didn't you?" Dabi groaned.
"Oh no, Daddy!" Shinji bounced on Dabi's chest, "Did I hurt you?"
Dabi smiled, "Nah, come here." Dabi wrapped his arms around Shinji.
"Oh no!" Shinji shouted as he frantically shook his head, looking around Dabi, "Daddy! What's happening?"
Hawks laughed and walked over to Shinji and Dabi, "It's just melting buddy."
Shinji scrunched up his nose and looked up at Hawks, "why it go and do that?"
"Daddy Dabi is just too hot," Hawks winked at Dabi and smirked.
Dabi narrowed his eyes at Hawks, "You're annoying."
Shinji copied Dabi, narrowing his eyes at Hawks, "Yeah, you're annoying."
Hawks chuckled, "Do you know what that word means?"
Shinji smiled, shaking his head, "Nope."
"Let's get you dried off Buddy," Hawks picked Shinji up off of Dabi's chest, where he had been sitting.
"You gonna leave me here?" Dabi asked, watching Hawks as he walked away, with Shinji.
"Sorry, what was that?" Hawks called over his shoulder. "I couldn't hear you, I was too busy being annoying."
The video changed again, Dabi had fallen asleep on the couch and Shinji was sitting on top of him, with a purple marker in his hands. Shinji giggled as he waved the marker around in the air, "Look Daddy look!"
Hawks couldn't help but laugh as he saw what his son had done. Shinji's face was covered in purple marker, sloppily resembling the scars on Dabi's face.
"What did you do buddy?" Hawks asked, holding back his fit of laughter.
"I look like Daddy now," Shinji smiled, laying down next to Dabi so that their faces were side by side.

I Don't Forgive You
FanfictionShigaraki was defeated, leaving the Liberation Front to Dabi and Toga to lead. But everything changed when Dabi receives a message from his ex-partner. Can I see you? Ships: DabiHawks TodoMomo BakuDeku ShinKamiJirou KiriMina TokoTsu I came up with t...