Episode 0 : the void births ; 1

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Darkness. Just darkness. The same thing that gives so many others nightmares is all I have for comfort in my fragile existence.

"Who... what am I?"

My mind drifted, not realizing the lack of perception or feeling in what's supposed to be a body as I drifted inside the void.

Once I realized the lack of feeling I tried to open my mouth, curl my fingers, and wave my hands but I could feel nothing, say nothing, do nothing.

But how do I know I'm supposed to have a body? I'm
Just a mind, drifting through eternity, aren't I?

I wanted to scream once the realization I might not have a body dawned on me, but the abyss around me did not allow that, it invaded what parts of my just awakened mind were, forcing me into a suffocating serenity.

Leaving me alone with just my calm sentience.

As I thought to myself in the darkness many feelings, sensations, and ideas flitted through my mind.

Like, having a name can be a funny thing if you just think about it. It's a label for people to call you by yet that label can hold so many emotions when spoken by someone.

[you have been connected to the <quest line>]

But what if someone has multiple names? Which is the real name and how should you refer to them?

[body integration with '######' complete!]

[body is in an incomplete state due to forced awakening. Please acquire materials to complete]

Which emotion is the most valuable when speaking just one name to a man with several?

As I asked this, a floating screen appeared before me in the darkness, asking which name I want to exist as.

[welcome to the <quest line>, pilgrim!]

[Please name your existence _|]

Memories not my own filled my mind and I did whatever would account for a chuckle in the darkness when I did not even know if I had a mouth to laugh out of within the nothingness around me.

The question of what a name means was a doubt the two ghosts in my brain have been asked a lot strangely.

"Who are you?"

"Are you the 'you' from my family?!"

"Are you a scoundrel or a warrior!?"

Experiences of torment, regret, and excitement filled me as I thought of an answer. The two ghosts that filled my mind with memories of their pasts showed me existence and their lives within it.

From all their experiences, their feelings, and their growths that overwhelmed me, I became the two people whose memories infiltrated my consciousness.

Yet I was still me.

It's not a simple question surprisingly judging from those two ghosts. What a person's real name is? Well, not for the two dead men in my head at least.

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