Episode 12 ; spartan versus fake dragon

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Outside in the courtyard Mister Strife and the man he had been conversing with were standing on a recently made flattened stone platform. The drunk uncle, Virgil, had to call for someone to make it in a hurry like he was afraid to upset them both.

Tapping his sandal against the floor grandpa Leonidas spoke, "the arena is rather small but it shall do." Tossing off his reddish brown cloak Leonidas revealed the golden bronze armor underneath that looked worn out from many battles loosing its shine and readied his dented shield as it appeared from thin air.

It all looked to fit him loosely slightly but with his well toned body it rested perfectly on his frame. Though i was embarrassed to stare at his crimson battle skirt that reached to just above his knees thinking i would see what was underneath

Mister Strife on the other hand tossed off his coat for the first time ever revealing the white long sleeved shirt underneath. His body wasn't as muscular as his opponents looking almost tiny in comparison but i still had hope in him

"Go uncle! You got this!" Jamie was cheering for Mister Strife before me and in a shock i shouted out

"I believe in you, mister!" Jamie gave a condescending smirk and i was about to kick his shin but the fluffy black wolf rested its head in between us laying down on a step higher

"Stop bickering and pay attention. You might learn something if you want to help, red." The doggy's gruff voice was as mean as ever shocking Jamie as i laughed at his stupid face

Stepping up Virgil begged a question. "Do the two of you need an officiator? I can get one very quickly." He was normally very haughty but it was fun seeing him act like a mouse to mister Strife and the grandpa

Strife looked at Leonidas asking if he wanted one as he gripped his swords handle and Leonidas answered for the both of them. "no need, no need. Its just a spar between an old man and boy that doesn't know his place."

"Harsh. But also true." Strife sounded insulted and complimented at the same time

Virgil stepped away from the arena getting in line with Thorn on the stairs as mister Strife's wife entered, "i thought i sensed the aether moving. So what is Strife doing, Thorn?" Her voice was as gentle as ever. I would be happy if she became my mom with Strife as my dad. Though I prefer the other girl if I'm being honest. She looks better next to Strife.

"He got bored and decided to waste time again. Nothing unusual." Rolling over onto his side the black wolf gave that look he would always has when he was having a mental conversation with mister Strife

'Did you need to do this?'

'We've got time to kill. Plus, it'll be good for the kids to see what kind of world they're in.'

Pulsing out his strange power Strife readied for combat covering himself in perfectly organized ethereal scales sticking against him like a second skin while exuding an otherworldly amber hue. "I'm ready when you are." Holding his white sword in hand Strife readied to move in a moments notice.

"Before that, Strife, why don't we make a few rules?" Leonidas had this proud tone as he himself was bathed in an amber mana aura sticking just as closely against his skin as Strife's was but without the scale design

As Strife clutched his sword in hand, it too covered in power exuding a killer amber-gold hue around the dazzling white blade. "Sounds good. I wouldn't want to injure you too much after all."

Strife was acting more pompous than his usually kind self but it was nice to see a different side of him. Though Thorn sighed as if it were just a boring show. 'spartan ripoff'

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