Episode 11 : confession of the dragon : season 1 end

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Utilizing [untethered bolt] i teleported from place to place amongst the thicket of silver branches in the trees.

To call it teleportation now though felt wrong. First I'd have to shoot an imaginary arrow and once it landed in the air or something solid i would be immediately pulled into a separate void catching glimpses of some sort of circular corridor and then promptly pulled out again within one tenth of a second.

Its only usable for up to 50 meters and i can only go as far as i can see. Meaning, i cant cross continents or teleport somewhere I've been to before on a whim.  Despite that though this feeling of being completely unbound was brand new, I couldn't help but think 'is this what its like to fly?'

Loosing the invisible arrow on to the earth i immediately blipped next to Seer who was walking casually heading east, back to the fortress giving her a little jump, "can you stop that?"

"I need practice." I said nonchalantly, patting my trousers off

"I understand but can you not just teleport right next to me? I keep getting worried I'm going to be lossed in another dimension because of you."

Coming up from behind Kaleid jumped atop my back, "don't be such a shrew, Seer. Strife, has managed to perfectly grasp it's difficulties and only needs to perfect the efficacy of his aether use." Putting my arms under her legs i gave Kaleid a piggyback

After walking a little further i begged a question. "Say, Kaleid. You sure its going to be alright for you to leave this place? You made a deal with the gods after all and i don't want them to get angry at you."

"Oh my? Getting worried for your beloved wife, Strife?" Kaleid teased, resting her chin on my shoulder getting a closer look to my face.

"Little bit. You are mine now after all and i don't like it when whats mine is hurt."

Kaleid squealed happily pressing herself even closer against my back, "such a flirt. Theres no worry, Strife. I separated a part of my consciousness to govern the forest in my stead. It will be like a very intelligent newborn. A situation you experienced yourself."

Emerging from the forest we came up to the fortress now extremely destroyed compared to when we last came here, "good to know..."

The barrier preventing anything with aether to pass through was still active so it must have been an attack from the inside.

[untethered bolt] sparked through the air going straight through the barrier and commanding it to a halt in the air it transported me right inside the barrier with Kaleid still clutching my back, "you coming?"

Seer was unamused by my words as she plainly walked through the barrier eyeing Kaleid and i.

Thorn was resting in my heart currently in a hibernation state eating the stored ether so Seer didn't have Thorn's snark to accompany her.

Going through the destroyed fortress we found it completely abandoned. Looking around man made cuts made from remnants of dark magic were scattered all over according to Seer.

"Looks like Halfdan went insane and destroyed this place first after siphoning power from that horn." Seer stated, stroking a cut on the walls.

"Doesn't look like anyone was killed... he had enough sanity left to speak so I'm guessing he avoided killing everyone somehow." I shared, kicking a cracked stone

Not choosing to stick around the three of us went to the back of the fort finding two ships left at the port. They were both the same so regardless of which we picked it would be an ordeal getting it to move

"Did Mr Cargen teach you any tricks on how to captain a ship, Strife?" Seer asked as we went onto the deck of the traditional Viking longhip, a Buza.

We'd need an entire crew to row us out to sea but the mast would be easy to handle once we got some wind. "I did pick up some as a training sailor but I'll need an entire crew if we wanna get this thing moving safely." Dropping Kaleid down she went off to explore the ship. "There is another option but it's not very viable."

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