Episode 5 ; prison pirate

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After several days of meditating using [seven stars crusher] and constant cycles of crushing aether around my hearts individually i learnt several things.

Firstly is that each heart has a different function. My left and right hearts both focus on refinement of ether but the way its produced is different.

My left heart, the silver heart focuses on tempering the aether, making it more obedient to my will.

The right heart, the amber heart makes the ether more refined allowing it to become my power.

Meanwhile, my middle heart, my real one is solely focused on holding the aether in place as its processed along with my blood.

The cycle goes. I absorb ether, my middle heart traps it, the silver heart dominates the ether, the amber heart refines it, and finally its released into my circuits in spiraling streams to then be used.

the refined ether is then being used to strengthen each heart individually. If i try and refine them all at once an attempted merger would occur colliding all three hearts making me choke from a distorted flow of blood.

So for now I'm merely crushing aether around the silver heart to condense another layer around it.

Once I've reached the completed stage i will move onto my primary heart and repeat once more on my amber heart then start again from the beginning.

i had been using [seven stars crusher] ever since i got it from the ring of treachery as well, creating the base layer of the hearts but now it had my undivided attention and plenty of aether from the atmosphere to fuel it.

Opening my eyes i took a breath in wiping the sweat off my forehead. It had only been four days but thankfully i was already nearly done with the silver hearts condensing.

Ether has been getting drawn here for some reason but I'm betting its because of the [lone autumns coat] attracting it despite me not wearing it.

Raising my hand up i channeled aether into my finger tips and a spectral amber mist began to coagulate. Willing it a little further solid fragments of darkness began materializing though tiny in size nearly taking all my ether from me.

[witch queen is taking notes on the transformation in your body]

I'm not sure why either but my body's weight has drastically decreased. Because of my [crystal flesh] i used to be 125kg. Though now I'm roughly 70kg just at a guess.

My best bet is because of all the sweating I've been doing during meditation.

Ive sweated enough that the guards had to call water mages to clean my cell three times in one day so far so it's probably an accurate guess. Its likely the impurities within the crystal flesh being flushed out but why is it sweat?

I did try using [eternity's flowing stasis] to extend the time but i was drained within a few seconds of using it.

I'm garnering its from a lack of control over the aether as its movement when i will it into action isn't very optimal and over spread like always.

"Inmates, up! Grub time~!"

The cell doors opened and a guard stepped into my cell threatening to hit me with his spear.

With a sigh i stood up. I refused to move on the first day and ended up getting power washed by a water mage as a result. I'd just have to eat quickly then come back to continue.

Joining the orderly line of rugged men and women in bright blue overalls i waddled my way slowly forwards. It was times like these where i honestly wished i had Thorn to keep me company. His sass was a real brightener for my grim appearance

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