Episode 13 ; true power

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[origin title; conqueror, looks at you]

The perplexing feeling of a pair of eyes from within my stomach was new. I had felt many different forms of pain and torture while in hell but this wasn't one of them. Rather, it was like i was simply staring at my hand.

I have no clue what a prime title is much less an origin title. I should ask Seer about this, she might know something as a former shrine maiden.

The three chaos runes I also need to do some research into. Whether they revealed themselves to me with my amber hearts upgrade or that they were creations of my own understanding was yet to be known.

[world-bound gods display their happiness for killing the fake demon emperors]

With the contract completed these guys could finally speak to me again without worry. What did they mean by fake though?

[heavenly-like judge of darkness, voices his hatred for the demon monarchy's growing arrogance]

[spartan valley, is intrigued by your origin title]

[roar of blasphemous dawn, is curious about your strange relationship with Cayde Barbaten]

For gods of a world I've created nothing but mayhem in they are surprisingly happy with what I've done. I feel as if I'm some sort of messenger for them to punish their people. I don't like being used by others unwillingly but I'll let it slide since Thorn had fun along the way.

The clouds dragging me began to slow down and disperse revealing the roof of a cathedral coming into distance and atop it i could spot two figures waving us down.

Now that I realize it, Jamie wouldn't be able to do this without being near...

"Uncle!" Jumping through the clouds the little boy grabbed onto my coat not wanting to let go, "i got Thorn's message! Did i do good?"

Ruffling his dark brown hair I complimented him. "you did great, Jamie. Thank you, and sorry for making you worry."

Jamie pressed his cheek against my stomach happy for my affection. Once we were over the building i jumped down from the thicket of clouds I landed directly in front of Seer and Aster holding Jamie in my arms.

Seer said nothing as she led the way down but Aster quickly stuck to my leg looking at Jamie, "cheater!" The two immediately began fighting but i was so worried that Arthur was coming as I kept sensing the surroundings with aether.

The reason i beat everyone in his team in the first place was so that he'd be forced to stay behind and help them recover, but in the off chance his rage overcomes him I'm going to be in trouble


twisting around to the sound of something flying howling through the sky I saw a silver spear flying straight for me, "Thorn!"

The black raven flew out of my back grabbing the two kids shoulders with his talons as i pushed them away, firing a [breach surge] right into the sky slowing the silver spears descent.



Seer turned around briefly seeing me firing the black slush into the sky immediately shattering apart on impact as Thorn crashed right into her going inside Seer's body as the two children flew into her arms

Ku-kukukuk boom!

The silver spear tore off my arm destroying the floor beneath me blasting Seer down a corridor.

As the floor collapsed I got crushed beneath rubble being trapped within darkness. Aether directed itself to the bleeding mess of flesh that was the remains of my right arm regrowing the bone and tendons until the rock that was crushing me slid down the rubble I was ensnared under

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