Episode 10 : the scandal begins

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Walking up to the front gate of the palace with its three high towers in sight i was strolling up wearing my new white shirt with the slight puff near my clavicle with cuts to reveal the violet undershirt on full display under my [lone autumns coat] as i clutched the entry ticket in my hand tightly.

'Easy, princess. Your crushing the entry permit.' Thorn was the only other person with me currently. Aster and Seer were currently with Virgil already waiting on Lasso for my success or failure. 'We're not going to be able to enter if you make it unreadable.'

My anxiety was snot without reason. The whole plan could either fail or start depending on how high my notoriety is. If i was at least certain on how i would fare against the Yaksha's and knew i had a chance of winning i likely would just charge in. But this is also the only opportunity I'll have to rescue Jamie, if i lose him here I'm going to have to enter the Hydra clan's front door, wherever that is.

Breathing in to calm myself I answered back to the shadow within my chest. I know, Thorn. Just give me a minute, you know I'm not good with social events.

'Formal ones, no. Explosive and violent events? You certainly know how to draw attention to yourself with them.' Thorn thought back

Taking another breath in i approached a knight guarding the gate and handed him my entry ticket

"ah! I have been expecting you, Strife. The sovereign will be very pleased that you have come to his banquet." The knight raised his arm and the metal gate doors slowly creaked wide, opening the stone road inside. "Just follow the road and you will arrive at the banquet, honored guest."

with a nod i walked past the knight going up the slightly steep road until i arrived at two wide doors and was greeted by a <quest line> prompt just as i was about to open them

[a quest has arrived!]

Quest category: party

Quest name: crown party

Objective: the emperor of Shatterre has decided to host a banquet to celebrate the success of the shattered archipelago's long and defined history. Attend and become friends with the highly esteemed individuals present. Those with high status might be difficult however...

time limit: 7 hours

Success: --

Failure: hatred of the entire shattered archipelago

the fact the <quest line> had turned even this into a quest for me shows how annoyed it is that I've been doing a lack of them. High status... i doubt it means just the clan heads and the Yaksha's, are the gods hidden amongst the crowd inside as well?

A bead of sweat ran down my cranium as i got ready for what was to come. This was something i had experienced multiple times with Cayde and Silven's memories but...

Pushing open the doors i was immediately greeted by the cold stares of the demons inside. The men were wearing similar clothing to myself but with different elements for patterns while the women wore long flowing dresses with similar but differently fashioned designs and vibrant colors.

The eyes staring into me trying to discern everything about me with a quick few glances would be something I'd always disagree with.

"Strife! The champion of the representative tournament held in Cocyton, has arrived!" A man previously hidden behind the door shouted out my name

'Well there goes trying to fit in...' Thorn sighed, mimicking my own thoughts.

Some in the crowd of high officials were obviously eager to approach me but they were staying their distance instead as i handed in my fake storage ring to the doorman.

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