Episode 2 ; ether hearts

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With a petrified gasp I filled the void in my lungs sitting back up covered in sweat, breathing heavily, caressing my face and jaw making sure everything was there as i pulled a long lock of my black platinum hair into eye view.

Thorn had a look of pure confusion and panic strewed across his face as he stood shaking in fear mixed awe.

Before I could even ask why he looked so bewildered a splitting headache tore my mind apart and memories that weren't my own flowed in.

{"I told you this was stupid!"} my vision was blurry and locked on a red mess laid against the wall. Bones were broken and in plain view as blood spread across the white stone floor while the messes black flesh popped and sizzled.

{"come on, get up! If you die again I'll kill you myself!"} pushing the red mess over I saw my face burnt to a crisp. Barely discernible from its previous looks. Rage and sadness were filling me. {"Dammit!"}

Turning around I went to smash one of the crystals open but then a harmonious lull slowed my feet as a coldness was felt behind me.

Turning back slowly I saw a magenta and black-veiled outline of a woman that my sight didn't want to agree with embracing my burned corpse into a hug, whispering a language of unknown depth directly above my ear.

I couldn't see her face beyond the veil, nothing was discernible about her except her chest poking through the veil covering her body ever so gently

Ether was being siphoned out of the crystal as the woman moved my corpses charred hand pulling ether into it like a magnet, mending the charred flesh immediately. She wasn't controlling the ether herself but using me as a conduit to.

As the ether moved across my body, repairing it to its prime shape, the woman pulled her slender jade-like hand from beneath its cover moving the veil covering her face to the side as a glint of bright purple from her eyes and strands of silver-white hair obscuring the finer features of her dovey face poked through the cracks.

Leaning in, her bright draconic amethyst eyes looked on at my perfectly healed, half naked body lovingly as she puckered a kiss on my pale cheek, stroking my chest gently with her fingers that just barely touched against my pale skin only a few shades darker in colour than hers nearly matching in tone. 

My head split apart again and my sight returned to my body with Thorn now looking at me with concern as my hand raised to my cheek to where the veiled dove-like lady had kissed me.


Neither spoke as the silence continued. The sight of him being frozen in fear was something Cayde had never seen even when he was a dragon. "Do you.."

"Remember a terrifying, somewhat busty lady wearing a veil to then remove it to sexually assault you with a kiss? Yes." Thorn answered quickly

I sighed dramatically, "problems just keep on stacking on each other."

Thorn immediately broke out into a fit, "problems? Of course, we have a fuckin' problem, numbnuts! Not only are we trapped in this throne world, weakened, with no communication with people I once knew but to add on to that, some spooky ghost lady appeared out of nowhere and turned you into Pinocchio!"

Thorn huffed angrily as I asked calmly, "you get it out of your system?"

"A little bit." Sitting onto his hind legs Thorn continued, "Why do you seem so unaffected by this!? Your heart literally exploded! Not only that but you were also turned into a finely cooked meat paste rotisserie!"

I now saw why the usually mocking wolf was worried for me. "It's hard to have emotions without your help, you know." I stated deadpan

Calming his breathing Thorn spoke with a grunt, "forget it. Consider being blown to pieces karma for not listening to me."

Taken Horizon Origin, volume 1, DualityWhere stories live. Discover now