Episode 12 : favoured child is who?

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The two kids immediately barraged me with questions not giving me time to answer a single one of them as they gripped my coat

"Uncle, why is this girl clutching you!" Jamie glared into Aster

"Mister, he's bullying me! Throw him back where he came from!"

Trying to silence them i clasped the back of their heads not knowing what i was trying to attempt. Is this the famous territory struggle between kids I've heard of?

"Your kids are very energetic, Strife." Kaleid crouched down to try and approach the two but they both glared at her telling her to backoff. Sweating Kaleid stepped back

"Uncle, where have you been?"

"Mister why were you gone for so long?"

"Just give me some time..."

"Mister! He's hurting me! He's hurting me!" The two were both trying to fake a fight as they began a slap fight into each other's arms

Having enough i pushed the two apart. I was hoping they'd get along but i really should have expected this. "Thats enough horseplay you two." Thankfully they listened to me and stopped shouting over each other. "I'm told you need to get dressed for something later."

"Oh right! I have a surprise for you mister!"

"You?" Jamie looked at Aster in pure disgust and may as well have given her the middle finger

"Easy. Just explain what the surprise is first." These two really don't like each other...

'It's tough being a popular babysitter sometimes isn't it?' Thorn quipped

As Aster opened her mouth Jamie answered my question. "this old guy said he wanted to meet you and said something about bringing you whats yours. He's coming today as well!" Aster had a look of pure betrayal as the words were stolen from her mouth

"Did he-"

"I wanted to tell him, you castaway!"

"Too slow, slumrat!"

The twos growling grew intense and Thorn complimented them. 'its like I'm looking at two less handsome mirrors.' He sounded like an extremely happy parent as he wiped away a fake tear.

Sighing i tossed Jamie into Kaleid's arms trapping him as she held him in the air. "hey! Let me be with uncle!"

"Haha!" Aster stuck out her tongue but i grabbed her by her collar lifting her off the floor by surprise with a squeal, "aah!"

This rivalry between them is nauseating. Jamie was flailing his arms around as he tried to break from Kaleid and his expression turned to horror as Aster clung to my arm still sticking her tongue out at him, "can you two be nice to each other?"

Stopping their intense staring contest the children looked like they had come to a consensus


"I guess..."

I nodded at Kaleid and in sync with me we put them back on the floor. Like robots the two walked up to each other and shook hands before quickly jumping back into my legs.

Good enough, I thought settling with that result. "Jamie, Aster. Let me introduce you to my friend."

The two tore their heads away from my stomach and looked at the silver haired beauty like she was something unimportant. "hello~. My name is Kaleid, your fathers wife."

"They're not my..." feeling like i was about to step on a land mine my mutter silenced.



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