Episode 17 : calm before the apocalypse

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An apocalyi. Creatures that beckon the end of worlds. My world was apparently ended by a monster similar to that foul prestidigitation of metal and chitin.


[raid boss: <lord sentinel of the festered> begins the apocalypse]

I can see how. But compared to what i saw in that recording atop the rooftop. It looks almost like an infant.

Everyone else was scared as they should of been. Because far out traversing through the sea a monstrously large centipede was getting closer with each bolt of lightning. Except for Arthur. He seemed almost as calm minded as i was.

But not nearly as close. I could still see the slight quiver in his brow.

[causality is being realigned]

[apocalypse will begin in 5 minutes]

Jamie was trembling in my hands. He was just a kid yet everything relied on him until Strife arrived. It was a burden i didn't want him to have. If i could take it from him i would.

"I'll buy you ten minutes. Please be able to move before my times up." Standing up i began running towards the port pushing through the crowds of screaming adults, some fell over scraping their wrists, others pushed people out of their way to try and survive.

"Mister Silven! Wait!" Aster called out but got drowned out by the shouts of the terrified adults screaming with what life they had.

"-it will take some time until the causality has been fully adjusted for the apocalyi's presence. It will take even longer until i will be able to help as well since my world would then be involved in a scenario of the <quest line>. Half an hour. Protect my people for half an hour Silven before the causality has been fully amended.-"

Reaching the other side of the wave of frantic men and woman. It was a straight and wide road heading directly for port and beyond that port i could see what was the origin of the blocky centipede shadow in the sky.

It wasn't nearly as tall as the illusion in the sky but it was still 60 feet in height. Looking almost human in shape a giant titan pushed its crimson legs crawling with insects through the raging waves of the sea. Appearing in and out at random points of time going backwards and forwards without control.

The lightning the giant centipede clung to was acting as an anchor for the metal giant. Keeping it within this frame of time but it was still too loose of a foundation for it to stay in the same place.

It reminded me of a movie i once saw. The giant titan. It was called pacific rim. I had found an old computer like i had so many times but the screen was only slightly cracked that i could still use what charge it had left. It was the opposite case in that movie, metal giants protected the people but in this case its the metal giants that are attacking people.

Running out of the sea and climbing onto port a hoard of crimson and yellow centipede's the size of ordinary people came screeching out. Their bodies crackled with purple thunder as their mandibles clacked.

Screeching and biting at the air the metal insects rushed straight to me.

Taking [invective] out of its holster i began fan-firing into the ensuing hoard. Several bullets missed with my lack of precision I couldn't afford while the bullets that did land broke straight through the coating of ether and mana i could sense around the strange creatures reducing them to severed husks of flesh and chitin.

Shling! Thunk!

Ejecting the crystal residue from the solidified aether i immediately hinged the gun back into place and reloaded it with ether again in instant to fire straight away, picking away at the screeching metal centipedes darting in my direction.

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