Episode 15 : hello again fox

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That slither of ice stayed in Strife's piercing gaze like always, my words had managed to break that wall he tried erect before he had finished shutting off his emotions completely, however I can still see they failed in some part. Strife is unpredictable enough as he is now, if he goes completely silent i wont be able to discern any of his intentions.

"Always..." I repeated under my breath

Was i really worth so much for him to say such a thing? I may have grown closer to him these past few days learning more than i had ever hoped about this mysterious onion of a person but i never expected him to say such a thing to me.

There is also his reaction from learning who lives here. I already knew he had a connection to Cayde but was it a deeper connection than i thought? What kind of relationship would he of needed to have to be terrified to meet ordinary people?

Sighing at being unable to understand him even more so than usual i put an end to my incessant thoughts, gripping his arm intertwined with my own. "Strife, if you want you can leave, i wont drag you somewhere you don't want to be. I wont judge you, we all have memories we would rather be forgotten after all."

We had shared our experiences of childhood, we both grew up with pain untreated acting as our teacher. If anyone could reason with Strife it would have to be me.

taking in a final long breath Strife's chest swelled out before he released his breath. "I wont lie and say I'll be fine. I can't always run away though." A deceptively sincere smile crept up the corner of Strife's lips, easing me to know he was at least listening to me.

Lifting up the metal earring on the oak door before us i dropped it down on the fine wood it was attached to, echoing loud bangs of knocking through its surface.

Releasing my hand from the hook i took a moment to observe the courtyard behind us as we waited for a response. It was large for a regular clan and was excellently maintained with the shrubbery well trimmed, the floors stone pavings was devoid of dirt and the bronze hawk statue of the clans regalia was sparkling under the calm sunlight.

The manor itself was just as maintained on the outside with its white walls and gargoyles of avian beasts known as phoenix's out on stunning display.

Phoenix's are just an urban myth that no one has seen before but the idea itself was something beautiful to me. You live, you die, flames burn away what you once were and you rise again as another person. The same yet changed. A reincarnation of sorts.

"Greeting guests." A maid with short black hair opened the door, peeking out slightly as she addressed us, "could i please request the reason for your visit today?"

"My name is Seer, and this here is Albedo. I'm an old acquaintance of the clan heads." Gesturing to Strife the maid saw us close together with my hand resting in the crook of his elbow. "I was hoping to say hello to them as it had been some time since our last meeting."

"Are you from any clan i should be aware of?" Eyeing our attire the maid looked almost impressed by our clothing choice.

"We are both no-clan's. No need to be so formal." I breathed out swiftly

The maid blew out in a relaxed manner to my words. "Thank you, my name is Nadia. Entertaining the little brother of the emperor and the head of Talleen publishing has been a pain for my back." The maids attitude did a complete reversal as her demeanor got more casual. "I'll take you to a waiting room until the master and mistress are available."

As Nadia turned around Strife and i shared a look, surprised to learn that madam Talleen was also here. Its rare for her to appear at social gatherings of even close friends of hers, perhaps its business related?

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