Episode 13 ; hunter of the light

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"So Kaleid really did leave. Did you two have a fight?" Seer was quite surprised. She thought i was joking for the entirety of the trip west until we got close to the aether trail's source.

"I told you i wasn't lying. Have i ever?"

"No. But your like the devil you see. You don't lie when you speak but you omit a lot of details." Seer's words were harsh but fair. "Anyways what are we doing in Bolga? We're not just here to watch the coliseum fights i imagine."

Looking away from her my eyes rested at the roaring stadium at the center of the city.

Aether was swirling around it as if it was being manipulated making me curious "...were not here to watch. I'm here to participate, I think."

Seer looked unsurprised as she and i smiled. She's gotten too used to my antics, i need to change things up a little.

Going forwards as soon as i entered the grounds of the coliseum i felt like something was watching me. This was different from the gods and more like something actually tangible had chosen to recognize my presence individually.

Its reaction to me felt like a beast protecting its territory telling me to leave but i ignored its warning and headed straight in with everyone. "alright, i have no clue what I'm doing here yet."

"But your the one that brought us here?" Aster was admiring the food stalls as Seer voiced her disapproval with her hip.

"I did, but fates weird with how it pulls you places. For now, just explore together while i go get into trouble. Sound good?"

The three of them stared at me sadly like I'd gone insane for a second time. 'it's no wonder your wife left you, princess. Your really doing your best to act like an old man in a kids body. Well, thats par the course actually.'

"How about, we enjoy ourselves while you do you?" Seer reigned in the other two who eagerly wanted to look around

"I was pretty much insinuating that, so works for me."

The three immediately walked off but as they left Seer stroked my shoulder, "try not to get too bored out there."

Once they were gone i started following the ether to its source going down corridors in the coliseum

This place was only slightly larger than the arena in Cocyton yet it was far busier.

Going around a corner i found myself in the first empty area since entering this place. The aether trail was going down a corridor so i followed but the closer i got to whatever i was being led to the more nervous i got.

The presence was definitely sentient like Kaleid was. Whether or not it will be negotiable for peace like with her though would be another trial in itself




Breaking open a locked door i entered a darkened area full of caged beasts of all kinds. I could see giant beetles with lion legs, oversized monkeys, snakes with pincers, and some rattling skeletons with glowing crystals within their chests wrapping tendrils around the bones.

Some reacted to my presence by lashing out to me from within their cages but others largely avoided getting my attention shivering at the far back, "this place is stocked..."

Thorn flew out landing on the bar of a cage filled with gremlins -short and ugly humanoids with orange skin and yellow teeth- playing a game using rocks with each other. "Look Strife. Your people."

"Very funny, Thorn." Not paying attention to him i squinted, increasing my suction of all the aether in the room. There was no longer a line of ether being drawn to me but it was all spread out now. We were close. "keep your eyes peeled."

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