Episode 8 : dragon meets pain

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[you have successfully connected to the fragmented soul of Strife]

[aspect: taker of all, takes the connection]

Warm. So warm. But why is it so cold the closer I get?

When i met that strange man in the alley i thought he would be an easy target to start learning how to steal from people. However, even when i threatened him he didn't flinch. His silver eyes looked at me with curiosity at first as if i was some tourist attraction. But as he came to some sort of conclusion it turned into sympathy.

The bread he offered me. It was sweet. I can still remember its taste. He offered it to me out of mercy yet it seemed like he was grateful to me.

As my eyes were closed something wet poked into my cheek disturbing me.

"Stop poking her, Thorn." A welcoming yet distant tone of voice entered my ears and my unrest immediately faded.


"the doctor said she was suffering from malnutrition. Just feed her a bit and she'll live." A gruff voice that sounded snarky spoke back the mister. "No need to baby the kid."

Who's voice is that? It sounds mean...

"Anyways we need to get moving. The city is going berserk trying to find you."

"I know. I'll scout around and find some clothes as i look for an exit. Keep an eye on her." A door clicked shut and the mister's presence was gone.

As my eyes strained open i could see flickering silver flames on the other side of the room. My eyes opened wider and i saw this strange shadowy wolf resting as it stared directly at me.

Once it realized i was awake it looked at me precariously but i felt no real reason to be scared of it. It looked just like the bird the mister had on his shoulder so it should be safe.

Looking around the room as i got up i tried to see the person mister must of been talking to but all there was was this... dog?

Suddenly the dog got up from its position and started to approach me. Scared i crawled to the edge of the bed i had been placed on pressing myself against a wooden wall.

As I stayed frozen in place the large shadow doggy halted at the side of the bed i was on, looking me dead in the eyes with the misty whiteness it could call eyes. Its long bushy tail then moved by itself sliding under a plate of grapes and bread to have it placed it in front of me, "eat up."

Did it just... talk?  Nudging the plate closer to my feet with its nose i painfully processed what i was seeing before me

"Oh? Your more stuck up than i thought." Jumping up to the bed the sentient shadow shaped as wolf sat opposite me and pushed the plate right into my foot. "You need to eat if you want to survive ya know."

Slowly i grabbed the sliced piece of bread and started nibbling at its crust. It was warm, freshly made.

Gulping down my nibbles i faced the wolf still with some modicum of fear still residing within me. "W-why are you helping me?"

The shadowy wolf laughed slightly at my question, "hell if I know. Princess just wants to use you as a way to ease his conscience probably."

"Oh..." i didn't understand what he meant by that. "When will the mister be back?"

"Eh~ he's already been gone for 20 mins, so probably in half an hour." Leaning in to whisper slightly the doggy wore a fiendish expression. "He likes to brood alone alot so he'll probably take some time as he clears his thoughts."

the door clicked and a voice spoke back, "Is that anyway to talk about me, Thorn?"

Both our heads twisted and the mister returned holding a bag full of clothes. I didn't see his face clearly before as it was hidden under his black coats fur hood but he has quite the... interesting looks.

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