Episode 14 : qilin meets beastly human

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I didn't have the words. The man i had viewed as law defying and unequal in strength with anyone had been killed so easily by something far more terrifying than he ever was.

His neck had been nearly blown in half and he collapsed onto the floor. If he hadn't teleported us away in time with his aether arts i would also of been killed by that sword!

Jamie and Aster were both crying uncontrollably as their savior was now nothing but a wide eyed lifeless husk on the floor with a gaping hole in his neck. Pleading for him to somehow still be alive.

"Hmph. To think you foresaw that..." a man with an impeccable face and black hair wearing a white coat walked over staring down at Strife's corpse. He raised his hand and the sword that killed Strife flew into it from the wall it had destroyed, still dripping with Strife's crimson blood along its guard.

The humans eyes shifted to the three of us and Thorn bore his fangs in defence of me. Thorn is normally so forward and proud yet he was like a mouse in front of this man as he cowered, trying to protect us from the man's presence alone!



Jamie tore himself from my side along with Aster as I remained frozen, running for Strife's lifeless body on the floor, i wanted to run after and stop them but my beast soul was screaming at me to stay still, even beg for mercy if i had to to survive.

"Your that jerk that took uncles arm before!" Jamie cursed at the man punching into his stomach with mana but his strikes did nothing as if they were landing on a pillow. "hey! Let me go!"

The white coat man picked Jamie up grabbing his wrists "...your that boy that could see the future."

"Not anymore!" Jamie collided heads with the man knocking himself out.

The man looked down at Aster crying as he held Jamie like recently caught game, watching the little girl pushing Strife's body with tears coursing down her cheeks. "mister, please get up! Mister!" The man jabbed the back of her neck in a single swift movement knocking her out as well then placed Jamie next to her

"Seer..." Thorn hissed my name and i pulled out my scythe, shaking in my hands. He could kill Strife so easily, theres no way i could beat him but he'll kill me if i don't-

The edge of his blade was on my neck before i realized it, cutting off my train of thought. "cooperate and you might just stay alive." His glare was as cold as his tone reminding me of the fear I felt when Strife revealed that dark part of himself to me.

Except this time I could somewhat think straight.

I didn't want to, i didn't want to give in but every fiber of my being is telling me to obey him...

"Do what he says." Thorn spoke out, "at least then you wont die before your wish is-"

"Kralthorn!" the man stabbed his sword into the wolf and its form vanished into a black cloud, "y-you!" I knew Thorn would come back but this man doesn't! I don't even know what it takes for Thorn to die yet but i don't want to be left alone with this monster!

"Cooperate." Glorious yellow mana leaked from the mans eyes opposing his murderous stature that surpassed Strife's by just a fraction of a margin.

Dropping my scythe on to the frosted gravels floor i stepped back, looking at Strife's corpse with both children unconscious atop him. There was something i had to be able to do at least but everything i think of leads to death.

Sneak attack, death. Run away, death. Even if i cooperate i can still envision him killing me

"I promise not to harm you if you carry the two children." As if reading my thoughts he spoke as he took my scythe for himself, vanishing my weapon into his space ring.

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