Episode 7 ; dragon it is

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Once the game had ended i had been transported back to the waiting room with the dragons landing directly in front of Cassanax surprising him as i landed. "How'd you do, Strife?"

Tossing the core up to the polymorphed dragon he grabbed it with the claw like nails on one hand, "despite complications it was simple."

Some annoyed groans echoed out and messages began barraging us all

[the quest has been completed with an unusual result!]

[you have acquired a new title: player of no sides]

[all participants will be returned to their former space before arrival]

One by one the crowd around me got swept away by columns of light. "Well, its a shame but it looks like i couldn't bring glory to the green ancestor myself." Cassanax tossed the crystal back and i caught it, "you are an odd one, Strife. Our time together was brief but you have made a considerable influence to me."

Vanishing the crystal i smiled, "thanks. Perhaps we'll meet again in future quests, Cassanax. As allies still hopefully."

"Being enemies temporarily doesn't sound so bad either." A silence built up between us and as light began to form around him the half green man waved goodbye. "farewell, Strife. I hope we may clash one day."

As he vanished i gave a short wave back then light appeared around me, "hopefully I'll be stronger by then."

Blinding me briefly the light took me back to the black dome i was trapped in still with the amber runes humming and glowing. Taking a breath i questioned if Thorn should know about this.

Knowing him he'd probably be jealous or angry that i was thought of as a dragon while he wasn't so its best i stay quiet.

If i knew purifying my body with dragons blood had the effect of furthering my transition to a dragon and send me back to Laegii as part of the <quest line> i would of not done it.

I don't have time and Arthur wasn't there so it was lucky that I didn't run into him. It's just a shame I wasn't able to stay for any longer to find Cayde's stash.

I'm also still trying to wrap my head around all this and why I was even summoned in the first place. I just kind of ignored it at first from my survival instincts kicking so I forgot to ask the <surveyors> when I had the chance.

Breaking a crystal that held the rune formation together the black dome popped and i sucked in the surrounding crystals aether filling my heart to the brim and using what was left over to condense a second layer but made minor progress.

Approaching me in his shadowy wolf from Thorn gave a long mocking look, "red hair and silver eyes still doesn't suit you, princess." I scoffed. "if you looked more effeminate and less like a homeless man it just might work."

Pushing his snout away i walked towards the warehouse door. "very funny, Thorn. How long was i in there for?"

"About... 11 hours. Its morning now and it was just after lunch that you went in."

Opening the door I headed for another building where I could shower "Good to know. I'll clean the blood out of my hair then I'll visit Mia and see if she's found Cayde's family yet."

"I'll have some fun with her until then." Thorn quipped


"Your summon is rather fond of women, Strife. Does he take after you by chance?"

Mia was sitting in her chair leaning over her desk whilst Thorn was hiding behind me after something Mia did, snarling at her.

She had given me [lone autumns coat] back but her eyes made me wary on what else she did to my coat other than sewing on a new hood and lining it with white fur..

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