Episode 13 ; curse slayer

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After sending Mary away i had done what Jamie asked of me and told Telos to eat a shoe. It ruined the atmosphere but at least i kept to my word for him.

[many gods on another platform are holding their stomach as they laugh at your display]

[Lucks coin graciously offers you 15,000 shards]

[purgatorial flame is pointing her finger at you while cursing]

At least some gods that they brought with them are enjoying themselves.

"What took you so long? I though we were actually going to run away at some point." Thorn shook off the dirt on his onyx fur walking up besides me now over twice my height standing at 4 meters tall.

I could feel the power of chaos around him literally throw fits, yelling at him to fight more in pure anarchy and destruction, worrying me.

...your going to stay sane, right? I asked mentally. I wasn't at all assured either by his face that was more blood hungry than usual in a constant maddened expression.

'I should be fine. I'm used to this feeling after all.' Thorn was licking his lips as he leaked some thoughts of picturing Mary as a rotisserie chicken to me.

I couldn't tell whether that was on purpose or not...

[shield of stories is confused]

Telos' expression probably matched his sponsors as Kyle was the only one reading the situation rushing to give Damien first aid. "second degree burns... a potion wont be enough. Hey! Do you have an elixir or anything that can heal him?"

Walking over i got down to one knee and pulled out a self made restoration potion i made in my free time and forced Damien to drink, making him choke as his wounds undoubtedly healed

[queries of medic questions your medical abilities and license]

"Damn you..." judging by Mary's distant voice she was starting to get up. I wanted to question how they let the curse fester within her without realizing but more urgent matters were at hand

"You can use ice magic right?" Grabbing Kyle's hand in my scale plated gauntlet i started scribbling a rune shaped like a flame on with the blood puddle on the floor as ink

Kyle tried to pull his hand away but failed ending up answering me as i finished drawing. "Yes but I'm still practicing. What use would it be?"

"None. Its too hot, it would just melt right away." Kyle's jaw fell as i answered him cheerily. "But, if you can press this rune on her forehead while channeling ice magic it will disable her for ten minutes. In that time you can erase the curse."

"Why cant you do it? Your stronger than us."

"I have my limitations and it's your problem in the first place." I stated matter of factly. Grabbing his arm i dragged Kyle with me. "I'll be borrowing him for a bit, big guy!" I shouted at Telos who finally woke up from what i said earlier.

"What, hey! What are we even going to do against that!" Kyle pointed at the flower of fire that was morphing around Mary slowly coming to bloom

[an incomplete regalius breaker is beginning to bloom!]

"Don't worry about it. It doesn't exist. Your imagining things." Thorn said so but it very much clearly existed.

I'd have to make his words true soon enough though.

[purgatorial flame screams in horror of what her apostle is doing!]

"You and you, shut up! Its your fault you didn't realize the curse was placed on her. As her ally and her sponsor you should both be appalled at yourselves."

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