Episode 17 : the new face

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[your connected spirit has been apart for too long]

[connection broken]

"Huh?" Twisting around i felt something within my chest go cold. Was mister alright? Has something happened him?

"Everything alright, Aster?"

"Its mister, I'm worried about him."

Placing her hand atop my shoulder Seer comforted me. "I'm sure Strife will be fine." With a grumble Seer glanced behind us to where the mean people that mister fought with before were standing. "Us though i cant say."

They were all circling the ugly one wearing a white coat, asking him about something as he kept giving odd stares to me, and Jamie who was puking over the ships railing.

"I hate the sea..." heaving another load of half digested food over the side Jamie belched out.

Beyond Jamie though you could see the eastern isle Zelcra. According to captain Virgil we are taking a quicker route down the western shore of the isle to reach the portal to laegii a lot quicker as we would have to travel by foot for several more days otherwise.

I'm excited to visit a completely different world! It may be Jamie's home world but that doesn't mean it will be all bad. Humans, elves, dwarfs, and animakin all share that world unlike Shatterre thats just full of demons.

Peeping over the ships edge i saw a spire reaching into the sky far away with abundance's of mana converging and dispersing repeatedly at its base. That must be where the portal is!

A big smile plastered my face and i turned around to ask: "Seer, have you ever been to the world-bridge before?"

Slow to respond Seer pushed her words out. "Huh? Ah, once. When i was twelve i was sent over to get experience. Funnily enough i went to the same school as two of the people over there but they don't seem to remember me very well." Seer gestured to the mean brooding man and the yawning elf.

I thought Seer would also of not been here before but i guess until mister returns I'm the only who hasn't seen it yet! With a pout i twisted my head away, tempted to toss Jamie into the salty waters below us.

"Captain! Storm clouds!" A bulky man shouted out pointing to the forward bow of the ship where black clouds were thundering in the sky.

After a moment of thought captain Virgil spun the rudder taking the ship into the isle. "We'll head into port. That storm looks like it has the fury of the gods behind it! Make haste and lower the sails! We need to be quick if we want to reach port in time!"

the waves bashed the side of the hull nearly throwing Jamie and i off our feet but thanks to aunty Seer catching us we didn't fall over. "You two head under deck. I have an inkling that we may not outrun the storm."

"Okay..." with a croaky voice Jamie tottered side to side trying to head for the stairs until i dragged him with me.

Following behind us was the companions of the mean man. Making sure to get as far from them as possible beneath the ships deck i pulled Jamie to the completely opposite side of the ship sitting down atop a crate.

The elf woman looked crestfallen that we were so far apart but i could not be happier. "Don't you two want to sit with us? We can keep you both company if you like."

"We don't need the help of anyone that threatened mister before!" Shunning them i stuck out my tongue.

"Yeah... your all.. urk!" Clasping his mouth Jamie tried to hold back the vomit but there was nothing left for him to even puke.

Taken Horizon Origin, volume 1, DualityWhere stories live. Discover now