Episode 17 : primordial strand

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[you have entered the raid!]

"Now, Thorn!"

Erupting from my chest a flaming raven exploded anarchy towards the metal giant right in front of me. The pale silver flames clung to the titans face howling in pain as its skin melted away. Revealing the festering mass of teeth and revolting flesh underneath.

The raven that caused the apocalyi's pain flew around it in the air strengthening each flame as it flapped.

"Bohhhhh!!" Flailing its arms around in the air trying to catch Thorn the crimson giant raged through the sea dragging its legs through the slimy waters.

Flying out of arms length of the apocalyi Thorn flew over Astaroth's shoulder who was grinning to himself as an orb of frozen green poison floated right next to him. "Well done, homunculus Strife."

Faster than even i could see the emerald orb crashed into the exposed mass of vile flesh that screamed and charred black to Astaroth's magic, enhanced by his black grimoire that floated near his hand.

Once the gas had dissipated i could see the giant yellow eye no longer behind its covering of glass, piercing its dilated and furious pupil right into my soul making me shudder.

'Worked a little too well, didn't it?' Thorn quipped before the yellow eye began to glow, gathering aether inside of it and he screamed to my mind, 'Run, princess!!'

Ether rushed to my feet and [mach rush] blasted me through the sound barrier as i jumped off the behemoths chest and a beam of burning yellow aether and mana seared the berg of black ice embedded in its chest like a laser. Cutting it in half.

Catching me in the air i crashed into the hollow chest of a silvery metal companion. "{a lord of the apocalyi...}" Kaleid had been kind enough to accept my favor after i called her with Astaroth's help and give me a lift.

"So he's in the top brass?" Thorn asked on approach

"{somewhat. Lords are the third highest in strength. Kings are second, father is first.}" a tremble could be heard from Kaleid's mental voice as she carried me down with her [void angel] drone.

Father of horizons.., i thought silently. Remembering what Incursik said the golden dragon in my mindscape called itself.

Shaking off the thought i jumped out of the [void angels] appendages and landed on ground level as Astaroth and the lord apocalyi fought. "Thank you, Kaleid. I owe you."

"{all i ask is that you defeat that lord, Strife. Now that i have helped you it will pursue me to no end as a lesser apocalyi myself.}"

I nodded giving her my word and the Vangel vanished into a puff of dust as the rest that followed it in the air quickly fled back to their isle.

Unsheathing [kintsugi edge], my new katana, i brandished its crimson edge under the lightnings violet light. "Does this count as god killing?" I asked towards Thorn.

Growing into a larger raven his silver horns grew an extra inch and a half. "I think devil hunting would be more appropriate."

"Devils are still a type of god." I jeered back with a grin, making Thorn roll his eyes with a nod. "Only difference is they can get forced back to hell."

[racial skill: autumn kings conquest, begins!]

[skill: ash-reaver enhancement, howls!]

The blood-ring revved around my ethereal hearts as golden and silver markings stretched across my entire body. Going from my forehead to my fingers and toes as the light glowed through my black scaled armor.

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