Episode 9 ; disparity between dragon and girl

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Cheerfully walking down the corridor i headed to my recess area to practice more magic and have lunch.

"Is something the matter, Aster? You seem a lot happier than normal." My friend that i made, Liliana, was walking with me along with her sister.

We aren't the same age as shes fifteen while I'm eleven but we share interests in fluffy things and despite our rough first meeting when i was forced to sit next to her we became best friends!

"My big brother is returning from the throne-world to pick me up tomorrow. I'll finally be able to travel with him again." I answered happily with a huge grin across my face

Lucy, Liliana's twin sister was also walking with us, "oh really? I forgot that you were here for only a week. Well, i hope we can meet your big brother when he comes."

"I hope so too. He's really nice to me and cares a lot about my well being but he often forgets about his own health, not eating or washing regularly and always focusing on his research."

I wonder how surprised mister Strife will be when he sees how much I've grown! Will he compliment me? Pat my head? I hope so! My giddiness kept increasing as i got more excited to see him again

"You know, for how much you love your brother this is actually the first time you've talked about him in front of us so openly." Lucy stated

"Really? I thought i was rather open about it..."

Liliana noticed my sudden drop in mood and wrapped me in her arms pressing our cheeks together.  "Our little aster is so cute! Even when she looks sad shes just so huggable!"

"Ahhh! Let me go! Free me!" Getting scared i bit Liliana's arm in a frenzy forcing her to let me go, "stay away from me!"

"Ow! What did you-" Lucy immediately struck Liliana on the back of the head

"You know she doesn't like being touched, Lilly!"

"Ah, right! I'm sorry, Aster. I totally forgot!" Liliana was bowing apologetically as Lucy sighed as this was something she was used to. Lucy has often had to hold Liliana back from her self destructive tendencies

"Its... its fine. You just caught me off guard a little." Looking at her arm i could still see my teeth marks in her skin. That will probably scar because of me... "I'm sorry. I'm still not used to being touched by others."

"If its alright with you, Aster..." Lucy pulled out a ribbon and wrapped it around where i bit Liliana. "could you tell us why you don't like being touched? Does it involve your brother?"

"No! Mister Strife, has nothing to do with this! If it wasn't for him, I... I wouldn't even be here!" Realizing i was rather loud my hands clasped my lips shut

"Okay, okay." Seeing my lack of wanting to discuss it any further Lucy decided to change the topic slightly. "well... I'm curious about your brother so why don't you tell us about him. Are you related by blood?"

Arriving outside in the university's massive courtyard i sat down on a bench before reluctantly speaking. "no... he picked me up from an alleyway after i ran away from... my old home. I don't know why he's helped me but i know his affection is genuine." Pulling out my lunch box that mister Strife bought me i rested it on my lap.

Sitting on either side of me the twins materialized boxed lunches with their clan crests displayed brightly atop them of a flaming bird trapped in thorns.

Liliana then inquired: "what does he look like? Is he handsome?"

Lucy gave Liliana a disappointed look but i answered honestly. "I'm not sure... when i look at him, its like I'm peering into a fog. He's neither handsome or ugly but... its a sharp murkiness. I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense."

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