Episode 14 ; dragons lost child

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Walking down the dark valley of stone Seer conjured a pale blue flame to give us light as we walked. Thorn rested on Seer's shoulders keeping an eye out for danger as i held Aster on my back with Jamie close to my left.

The walls shook and small stones fell from Arthur's likely rampageous search outside trying to find us. He never was much good at tracking magic, same with his compatriots, so i knew he'd have a fun time looking for us.

Sharpening my hearing i began to hear streams of water flowing nearby. Eventually Seer halted and i got to see the source of water was a giant underground ravine flowing out somewhere deeper in the cave system.

"Lets follow it. As its flowing it must mean theres an exit somewhere." Seer stated as she went downstream, walking along a natural rock path as she looked around for any danger.

Looking at her wrists as she motioned for me to come i could see she was injured from the chains after my harsh escape with her. Walking up beside her i made it clear i saw them but she just ignored my concern

"Leave it. If i wanted pity I would of become a beggar on the streets."

Pulling out some bandages i pushed, "if it doesn't get immediate treatment it could get worse."

The pale blue light floating above us flickered slightly and Seer relented, "fine." Lowering her hands to me i swiftly wrapped Seer's wrists with bandages tearing it off with my teeth.

Once done Seer stroked the bandages looking almost solemn, "what?"

My gaze must of been rather strong. "nothing, just, we have never really talked to each other properly before have we?" Seer seemed to understand where i was going with this, "we've spent nearly a year together at best yet we never did properly introduce ourselves."

Seer chuckled slightly before speaking, "are you ill, Strife? You've never spoken so politely like this before."

acting touched that she thought of me as such i waved my hand in the air more flippant than usual, "having a newest experience of death I'd be estranged if something about me hadn't changed." The river shook slightly as another explosion sounded out. "plus, after coming this far together it might be better to formally introduce ourselves."

"I agree with, uncle." Jamie blurted out, trying to become apart of our conversation, "we have traveled together but i still don't know who you really are!"

Seer and Thorn chuckled at Jamie's attempt to look domineering as we walked. "you do have a point, Strife." Halting her steps Seer stood right in front of me.

"My name is Seer Qilin. The former shrine maiden of Shatterre and amongst one of the most wanted people in the world. Formerly i was from a branch family of a high clan but ran away, shunning my responsibilities and heritage after escaping the ancestral home of my former clan."

Seer looked at me expecting me to do the same and i played along

"Strife, as you are aware. War criminal, swindler, myriads of other things and the most wanted man in maybe eleven separate worlds. Born from alchemy and chaos being raised in constant adversity with nothing to guide me."

"Ahem!" Thorn cleared his throat patting his chest next to Seer's already puzzled face

"...with my lovely sidekick Kralthorn we were once sent to our deaths by a god but broke through his challenge and killed him." I finished in a dramatically tired tone to emphasise just how unbelievable the story is.

Seer's expression was agape just like Jamie's. I'm sure the gods watching are probably wearing similar expressions but they aren't messaging for some reason.

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