Episode 11 ; taken soul

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"Free my master then she goes free! Not the other way around!" Kendrick was obviously scared and had no plans to free Kaleid. He must of thought he had a chance of killing me once his master is free.

Looking behind him i could see Thorn doing his best with Seer's help to dig a hole under the barrier to escape. If it were a normal barrier he should be able to break it easily. But how did Kendrick modify the anti-mana artifacts to do such a thing? He was under surveillance of the [void angels] the entire time.

"{strife. Why don't you just let me die?}"Kaleid's voice was resonating in my mind in a cold and robotic tone "{our relationship is but a brief encounter. Why do you care so much?}"

I couldn't give her a straight answer. Why was i wanting to save her? I simply saw her as a temporary tool to help my agenda yet i want to save her... why? It wasnt simply to be different to Arthur but...

"{open your mind, Strife. Let me see your reason. Let me see your memories.}" Kaleid's voice was calm. Making me forget the shouts of her captor and the danger her life was in.

[skill: chains of sentience, opens a gap]

Accepting her wish my mental barrier lowered and i could feel her probe my mind as memories came forward

"Run! Save yourselves!"

"My turn to sacrifice myself for you, huh, Cayde?"

"I'll never forget... those flowers you gave me, Silven."

Memories of all who had died for Cayde and Silven pushed forward.

"Let me be the pain to your symphony."

"They're not a somebody without a name. They're a someone that matters."

"I hope you enjoy your new lives."

Memories of all that they had abandoned came bare

"Look look! This looks like you brother!

"Would you care for a dance, Lumine?"

"It's beautiful. But not even the stars can convey my feelings."

Memories of all they had loved gushed in like a tidal wave

"{oh. You poor, poor man.}" Kaleid was crying as she witnessed my history for herself "{you have so much pain. But none to share it with. Not even your shadow understands how you yearn. Nor how lonely you truly are.}"

Once all those memories vanished my shame came baring its fangs

"I'm not a hero. Just a madman without a plan."

"Don't you just wish i gave up for once?!"

"How many people have died from MY mercy!?"

"{you have surrounded yourself with so many yet your afraid of them. Afraid of the love they could give and the love you took. Holding it desperately to never forget the feeling. The hope that you are not just a tool.}"

the tears flowing down Kaleid's face stained her cheeks red as my breath shook from the influx of memories. I wasn't ready to relive them, not when I was in hell, nor ever. Yet i let her relive them for me. I really am a-

"{your no monster.}" Kaleid cut me short "{your no god either. Just a boy who hasn't found themself or much less a home. You think you live for your created purpose, but is that all there is in your life?}"

I didn't know. Ever since i escaped hell and killed Samael per his request i kept moving forward with one thought in mind. Resurrect Cayde. Not for myself but others. For his inadequacy to survive properly, and the dream that I could be accepted by those he loved.

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